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Title 92年雲林縣中西部海域環境品質調查監測計畫
Abstract 雲林縣「九十二年度中西部海域環境品質調查監測計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),計畫執行期程自民國九十二年四月十一日起至九十二年十二月三十一日止,本計畫依評選須知與範疇界定承諾事項共計有十大工作要項,分別為進行苗栗縣至嘉義縣共五縣市之海域生態調查與水質特性監測研究、海域監測資料庫更新、協助海域污染緊急應變及採樣檢測並蒐集海氣象資料、彙整前一年監測資料分送相關單位、海域油及化學品污染預測模式系統維護及相關資料更新補充、配合環保署各項管考工作、協助辦理海洋污染防治計劃或相關資料審查工作、每月提報工作進度及累積進度、提供執行成果供雲林縣環保局於網站公告,以及辦理一場「海域環境品質監測計畫教育訓練講習」。截至民國九十二年十二月三十一日止,本計畫各工作項目執行進度詳見表一,其中海域水質特性監測研究成果顯示,苗栗縣、台中縣及彰化縣沿海海域水質大致均符合乙類海域海洋環境品質標準,除苗栗縣後龍溪入海口、通宵溪入海口與彰化縣彰濱工業區附近海域1共三個測站,礦物性油脂測值各曾發生一次略高於乙類海域海洋環境品質標準外,其餘各測站各測項監測結果皆符合乙類海域海洋環境品質標準。而雲林縣沿海海域水質大致亦符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準,除了濁水溪入海口、六輕工業區附近海域、北港溪入海口三測站各曾發生一次氨氮或總磷或礦物性油脂測值略高於甲類海域海洋環境品質標準外,其餘各測站各測項監測結果皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。而嘉義縣沿海海域水質大致亦符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準,除了朴子溪入海口附近海域之氨氮及總磷、布袋港附近海域之氨氮屢有高於甲類海域海洋環境品質標準情形,其餘各測項監測結果皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。海域生態調查成果部份顯示,就各種類平均而言,明顯以橈腳類(Copepoda)為個體量最優勢之類群。浮游植物調查結果共發現三大門54種以上之藻類,其中以矽藻綱種類所佔的細胞密度最高,可佔總細胞密度之99%左右,各測站不同水層水樣浮游植物之種數有4種至24種。
EngTitle 2003 Yunlin county central and west sea area environment quality inspect project.
EngAbstract Yunlin country “2003 central and west sea area environment quality inspect project”, this project is from 2003 April 11 to December 31, depend on the construct, there are10 working items to do the sea area inspection and water quality inspection, sea area data bank renew, help to prevent sea pollution, get the sampling test and collect weather data one year ago to sent to the organizations. Sea oil and chemistry pollution previous prevent system and related data examine, renew and harmony with Environment Protection Bureau each control works. Report the working procedure of each month and provide the achievement for Yunlin country Environment Protection Bureau to announce on website and hold a sea area environment inspection project education conference.Until 2003 December 31, each working items and procedure of this project are as table 1. Research result tells us that Miaoli, Taizhong, and Zhonghua sea areas’ water quality are qualified with the B type standard of sea area’s environment. Beside Zhuoshui River, Liuquing industrial section, and Beikong River get one time of the mineral oil data a little higher than A type sea environment quality’s standard, other inspections’ result are total qualified. In the part of sea area living inspection achievement, the copepoda is the most excellent group in every kind of average. Float plant inspection result find that there are more than 54 kind of alga. Different water level has 4 to 24 kinds of float plants in each inspection station.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 雲林縣環保局