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Title 92年雲林縣執行許可登記及建檔管理計畫
Abstract 水污染防治法(以下簡稱水污法)自民國八十年五月六日公佈修正後,將我國對於事業水污染源的管制精神修正為由事業主動證明其水污染防治情形符合法規要求,並依規定向當地主管機關申報,而由主管機關就事業所申報資料及查核結果,掌握事業水污染源水污染防治現況,凡未盡主動申報義務、未依申報內容履行或未達水污染防治標準者皆屬違法之行為。因此,為配合上述措施之執行,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)於民國八十一年七月起推動「加強事業水污染管制計畫」,以期能對台灣地區之水污染源進行一全面性的掌握與管理。雲林縣環境保護局(簡稱環保局)配合上述規定,針對水污染源主動申報資料進行查證,以掌握水污染源水污染防治現況,並對未盡主動申報義務、未依申報內容履行或未達水污染防治標準者進行行政處罰工作。目前該工作已經有了很好之管制成效,為延續往年建檔管理之理念及執行成果,以持續提昇其作業成果,於92年度特規劃推動「九十二年度執行許可登記及建檔管理計畫」,藉由本計畫之持續進行確實掌握本縣轄境內之水污染源資料,並利後續管制作業之進行,作為將來各項政策擬定及規劃之參考依據。本計畫在環保局及台灣曼寧公司相關作業同仁之共同合作下,目前各項目之工作執行成果如下:一、 建立及管理事業之水污染源管制文書檔案二、擴充、更新及維護水污染源管制資料系統三、執行電腦網路之資訊傳輸作業四、協助辦理事業廢水管制編號五、每月提報上月執行相關資料六、配合環保局辦理各項宣導活動並出席相關工作會議(一)參與季工作檢討會(二)考核會議七、辦理相關技術轉移工作二場次八、績效考評成績試算與考核相關名單提供九、配合環保署時程,協助辦理水污染防治費徵收前置作業相關業務
EngTitle 2003 Yunlin county register the allowance and set up the profile of management project
EngAbstract Water pollution prevent laws fix from 1991 May 6, it corrects our water pollution source control spirit to prove the water pollution condition conform the rules and depend on the rule to apply to the management organization. Take the organization’ apply data and result to hold the water pollution prevent condition. Not to apply automatically, not do as the apply contents or not conform the standard are illegal. So from 1992 July, we push the “ Promote the industries water pollution control project” to do the whole control and management in Taiwan. Yunlin Environment Protection Bureau dispose the rule, it focus on the water pollution source apply data to do the examination to hold the water pollution water prevent condition. Someone not apply automatically, not to do as their contents or not dispose to the standard to do the punishment. In order to continue the opinion and achievement as past years to promote the achievement, on 2003 to do the “2003 record the allowance and set up the profile control project”. From this project to hold on the water pollution source data to do the later control job.Achievement:一、 Set up and control the water pollution source data profile.二、Expand, renew and keep the data system of water pollution source.三、Transmit computer internet information.四、Help to do the waste water’ control numbers.五、Report the related information last month each month.六、Harmony with Environment Protection Bureau announce activities and attend to the working conferences.(一)Join the season job checking conferences.(二)Judge conferences.七、Hold two conference of the related skill’ transmit.八、Try to count the grades and provide the related name list.九、Harmony with Environment Protection Bureau time to help to get the water pollution prevent fine.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 雲林縣環保局