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Title 九十二年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護之執行追蹤檢討計畫
Abstract 本計畫自九十二年六月一日執行後,即著手瞭解本市空氣品質改善維護計畫各子計畫工作目標、內容與執行成果,以評估執行成效,並進一步檢討後作成建議。為了掌握本市空氣污染源特性及其來源,本計畫更廣泛收集本市氣象資料及各污染源排放清單,透過模式模擬以推估分析本市污染源排放特性。計畫執行期間為了掌握各計畫執行進度,達成環保署考評目標,則協助環保局以召開工作檢討會議方式,會中邀請負責本市之空污委員蒞臨指導,後續將針對各計畫進行執行成效之追蹤檢討,茲將初步成果說明如下:一、空氣品質變化雲嘉南地區各縣市PSI值大於100之日數之比例已由83年5.3%降至92年之2.03%,可知本空品區之空氣品質正逐漸改善。83年至92年雲嘉南地區臭氧與懸浮微粒於PSI值大於100之累計佔日分析,由資料顯示懸浮微粒比例正逐年下降,而臭氧比例則逐年上昇,除肯定過去對於懸浮微粒之管制工作有所成效外,亦顯示中部及雲嘉南地區之主要指標污染物漸由懸浮微粒轉變為臭氧。二、排放清單之建立排放清單位的建立實為各項污染狀況調查、模式模擬等工作之基石。本計畫以TEDS 5.0版為基礎再配合各子畫之資料庫系統加以整合並修改嘉義市之排放清單。本年度各類污染源之排放量為粒狀物68.7公噸、硫氧化物55.5公噸、氮氧化物139.3公噸、揮發性有機物為296.6公噸、一氧化碳118.2公噸。在營建工地方面,依92年11月之統計資料,列管工地數共566處。總逸散粉塵排放量為1942.5公噸、削減量928.4公噸,TSP排放量542.0公噸、削減量259.0公噸,PM10排放量301.0公噸、削減量143.9公噸。在移動污染源部份,嘉義市目前總車輛數約為248,195輛,其中機車數為173,353輛,約佔總車輛數之70%,其次為小客車數,約為62,355輛,佔總車輛數之25%。另以單位面積之車輛數而言,嘉義市每平方公里約有2,889輛之機車,每平方公里約有1,039輛小客車,遠高於台灣地區每平方公里之334輛機車及139輛小客車,這也是嘉義市主要排放來源之一。三、各子計畫執行成果探討1.固定污染源管制計畫執行成效檢討2.營建工地管制計畫執行成效檢討2.營建工地管制計畫執行成效檢討3.移動污染管制成效檢討4.街道洗掃作業
EngTitle 2003Chiayi air quality’s improve and protect checking program ~Achievement of the Project Abstract
EngAbstract This project begins from June 1, 2003, then try to understand the purpose how to protect this city’s air quality, contents and the achievement to judge the efficiency and get the suggestion after self-criticism. In order to control the characteristics of this city’s air pollution and source, this project collects this city’s weather data and the emission list about every pollution source. Use simulation to analyze the emission characteristics of this city’s pollution source. For controlling the proceeds of project to get the purpose which Environment Protection Bureau grades in the period of doing the project. Help Environment Protection Bureau to hold the job checking conference and invite the air pollution committee members to give us advice. After that it will focus on the achievement to do self-criticism constantly and explain the elementary result as below:1. Variation of air quality Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan’s PSI account bigger than 100, the proportion is from 1994’s 5.3% down to 2003’s 2.03%. It tells that these sections’ air quality becomes better. 1994 to 2003, Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan’s ozone and float dust’s PSI data analyze to show that that proportion is reducing year by year and ozone’s proportion is getting rising year after year. Not only affirm the achievement of controlling the float dust in the past, it shows that central section, Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan’s signal pollution is changing from float dust to ozone.2. Set up the list of the emissionSet up the list of the emission is the basis of the pollution investigation and model simulation. This project takes TEDS 5.0 for basic to contact subproject’s data bank system to rectify and fix the emission list of Chiayi.This year each pollution sources’ emission is granular 55.5 ton, nitrogen oxide 139.3 ton, evaporate organic matter 296.6 ton, and carbon monoxide 118.2 ton.3. Discuss each subproject’s achievement.(1) Stable pollution source control result.(2) Building area control result.(3) Examine the result of moving pollution source.(4) Street sweeping.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 嘉義市環保局