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Title 92年嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-移動污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作項目包括攔巡查15,537輛次,二行程機車攔檢4,052輛次,大型宣導活動一場次,小型宣導活動二場次,宣導免費檢測2,000輛次,低污染噴射引擎宣導展示,每月查核定檢站一次,每季實施氣體比對一次。(一)未定檢機車攔巡查作業截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成21,711輛次,進度達成率為140%。(二)二行程機車攔檢作業截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成4,376輛次,進度達成率為108%,不合格數為1,481輛,不合格率為33.8%,已完成複驗為1,380輛,複驗率為93.2%。(三)定檢站查核評鑑截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成288家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。(四)定檢站儀器氣體比對截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成三次家次之儀器氣體比對,進度達成率為100%。第一次比對有七家經實施重新校正後(含機械校正)全部合乎規定值。第二次比對有九家經實施重新校正後(含機械校正)全部合乎規定值。第三次比對有十二家經實施重新校正後(含機械校正)全部合乎規定值。 (五)宣導活動作業截至九十二年十二月三十一日已完成二大三小場次宣導,共計免費檢測2,105輛次,不合格372輛次,複驗351輛次,複驗率為94.4%。(六)分發宣導手冊(環保扇)本計畫利用嘉義市各種活動分發宣導手冊,以強化環保局宣導事宜,增取大眾認同,以配合機車定檢及噴射引擎機車之推動。(七)問卷調查調查之時間為92年8月17日,共完成285份之有效問卷,另一次調查之時間為92年10月25日,共完成446份之有效問卷調查,合計共取得731份有效問卷。(八)噴射引擎機車宣導:製作大型海報三面懸掛市區重要道路。(九)九十二年度工作績效考評表依據九十二年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫工作執行績效考評自評表
EngTitle 2003 Chiayi city air quality promote and maintain project- Moving pollution source inspection control project.
EngAbstract This project is including round of inspection 15537 cars, block 4052 two-stroke motors, one large announce activity, two small activities, and 2000 inspections for free.Table 1 Chiayi city moving pollution source inspection control achievement.(一)Block not to do inspection’s motorsWe block 21711 motors until 2003 December 31, and the complete rate is 140%. (二)Block two-stroke motors inspectionWe’ve block 4376 motors until 2003 December 31, there are 1481 motors unqualified, rate is 33.8%, and there are 1380 motors finished reexamine and the reexamine rate is 93.2%. (三)Inspection station check and gradeTo 2003 December 31, we’ve done 288 stations’ inspection, and the rate of achievement is 100%.(四)Compare the machine’ s gas in the inspection stationUntil 2003 December 31, we’ve done to compare gas for three times, and the rate of achievement is 100%. At first time, there are seven companies are qualified after rectify. At second time, there are nine companies are qualified after proofread and correct. And there are twelve companies are correct in the third compare. (五)Announce activityWe’ve finished two big and three small announce activities until 2003 December 31. Total inspect 2105 motors for free, there are 372 motors unqualified, 351 motors examine, and the rate of reexamine is 94.4%.(六)Send the announce handbooksThis project use Chiayi city’s every kind of activities to send the announce handbooks to tell people do the motors inspect on time. (七)SurveyOne of Survey time is 2003 August 17, we got 285 useful survey, and the other one is on 2003 October 25, we got 446 useful survey. Total we got 731 useful surveys.(八)Announce propellant stroke motors: Do three sides posters to hand in the important roads in city.(九)2003 working achievement formDepend on 2003 Chiayi city air quality retain and promotion moving pollution source inspection control to do the self-critics form.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 嘉義市環保局