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Title 92年嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫
Abstract 本計畫已完成88家更新及1家擴充作業,其中有3家停工後篩除,累計列管完成清查者共346家。經更新及擴充作業後本市污染源排放量異動為Par減少1.60公噸/年、SOx減少31.09公噸/年、NOx減少16.3公噸/年,VOC減少61.98公噸/年,CO減少0.42公噸/年。在許可申請作業方面,本市第一至七批符合公告條件,需提出申請者共有71個製程,皆已提出申請;統計各類許可證之申請案件,分別受理2家操作許可、1家異動許可、2家操作許可展延、2家許可換證,共計17個製程之申請;2件已完成發證、2件仍在審查中、其餘則已完成審查發證中。許可核發後續查核作業,按照許可排放量、製程所屬公告批次等條件,排定查核順序,計已完成29個製程之查核,其中經查核不符屬於應辦理許可換證者有1家,已函文限期提出申請方式管制業者辦理,目前已完成受理、審查作業。本計畫共有20件公私場所提報檢測結果報告書,分別為許可定期申報6件、申請操作許可檢測1件、公告第一批定檢2件、稽查檢測11件。前述各類檢測報告,審查過程中發現有缺或不合理者,均要求補正,完成審查之13件申報結果均符合法規標準,已完成核定。本市92年第一季空氣污染防制費計已徵收149,601元,本計畫並完成6家次催補繳,目前92年第一季空污費均已完成申報。在稽巡查管制作業方面,共執行209次的稽(巡)查,包括陳情案稽查計32件、一般稽查112件,以及配合各項法令政策之巡查計65件。在資料處理與電腦檔案管理方面,共完成359件文書資料建檔,192件電腦建檔。經由電腦污染排放總量推估,目前本市列管之粒狀物排放量為64.10公噸/年、硫氧化物50.76公噸/年、氮氧化物140.79公噸/年、揮發性有機物為508.60公噸/年、一氧化碳165.98公噸/年。此外,本年度各項污染物的削減量為Par:1.60公噸/年、SOx減少31.09公噸/年、NOx減少16.30公噸/年,VOC為61.98公噸/年、CO為0.42公噸/年。
EngTitle 2003 Chiayi city air quality promote and maintain project- stable pollution source air pollution matter emission achievement.
EngAbstract This project has already completed renew 250 companies and 25 companies to expand, and among these there are 19 cut off after stopping business, so the total list are 410 companies for control. And after renewing and expanding the Par expand to 3.79 ton/year, Sox reduce 29.71 ton/year, Nox reduce 33.60 ton /year, VOC improve to 24.01 ton/year,CO reduce 71.03 ton/year. In the part of applying for license that someone who needs to provide apply are 64 makers already apply.Depend on the allowance of emission amount after giving license’ inspection, now we finish 85 make progress. There is a companies need to change the license because of incorrect after checking.In the period of this project, we get 49 cases of every type of the result of inspection, which is 18 cases of license apply on time, 5 operate license apply, 4 of the first group of checking, and 22 examinations. Success shoes companies over the bad smell standard, so we ask it to improve and track it constantly.This city from the third season of 2002 to the second season of 2003, we’ve levied the air pollution protection fee for NT: 607171, and complete to push 37 companies to pay the fine and check 25 companies. Now all air pollution fees are completed for applying to the third season of 2003.In the part of inspection control, we do 813 inspections including 113 against cases, 438 generally check cases, and 302 harmonies with each policy. And the procedure is as figure-1.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 嘉義市環保局