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Title 92嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨油品檢測計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行綜合成效如下:1.柴油車動力計排煙檢驗執行柴油車稽查檢測1,701輛次,不合格輛數20輛,不合格率為1.2%。到檢車輛數以目視篩選高污染通知車輛最多,有926輛,佔所有到檢總數之55.6%。2.柴油車路邊攔車排煙檢驗執行柴油車路邊攔車抽測102輛次,不合格輛數15輛,不合格率為14.7%。3.柴油車油品抽測含硫量柴油車油品含硫量完成抽測200件,其中不合格油品有31件,檢驗不合格率為15.5%,平均6台被油品抽測之柴油車就有1台使用不合格油品。檢驗不合格油品平均含硫量為0.385%,高出現行法規標準0.035%甚多。4.檢舉案件處理與函覆累計本縣92年度共計受理民眾高污染之虞柴油車檢舉可處理件數148件,於計畫期間協助環保局陳情函覆件數148件,陳情案件函覆率100.0%。5.其他網路預約、非法地下油行檢舉與即時監看系統設立、完成檢測資料庫建檔管理、維護管理驗車同步數位攝影系統裝置並定期備份、檢測站CNLA認證申請作業、滿意度問卷調查、兩場次說明會、檢測站與人員各項保險、儀器設備檢校與保養、品保/品管相關文書建立及建置民眾檢舉案件處理程序標準作業程序及無污染之虞車輛認定準則等。
EngTitle 2003 Chiayi’s diesel car power connect emission smoke examine and oil quality checking program.
EngAbstract Project Title:2003 Chiayi’s diesel car power connect emission smoke examine and oil quality checking program.二、The chief organization:Chiayi Environment Protection Bureau.三、Execute organization:Hua-Men Engineering Adviser Corporation.四、Program’s chair man:Hsu-Chung-Ching五、Program management:Chen-Tsang-Hsin六、Program date:2003 April 4 to 2003 December 31.七、Program funds:NT: 5,395This project’s composite effect is as following:1. Diesel car power connect emission smoke examineWe examine 1701 diesel cars, includes 20 substandard cars,and the unqualified rate is 1.2%. Most of testing car are high pollution cars, which has 926 cars, and its 55.6% of all。2.Block the diesel cars in the road to do the smoke emission test.We block 102 diesel cars to do the smoke emission test, includes 15 unqualified cars, and the unqualified rate is 14.7%.3.Spot to check the how much sulfur do the diesel cars have. We complete 200 spot to check’s survey, there are 31 substandard oil quality cars, and the unqualified rate is 15.5%. 4.Against to handle the case and write in reply.2003 we accept 148 cases, which people inform the high pollution diesel cars to check. And help Environment Protection Bureau to reply the letters, and the rate of this is 100%.5.Others Make an appointment on line, Report the illegal oil station, and complete to control setting up the data bank.Satisfied investigations survey, and two conferences and facilities to set up the rules for the no-pollution cars.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 嘉義縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 嘉義縣環境保護局