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Title 93年度臺北市社區環保服務團計畫
Abstract 本專案計畫係由環保局邀請環保團體組成社區環保服務團,輔導社區推動環保與打造生態社區,並辦理環保義工訓練及協助環保局辦理環境教育活動等。本年度重要成果為辦理義工基礎訓練3場次,共培訓83位新進環保義工,辦理2場進階訓練,共175名義工參訓,並辦理義工幹部研習營,參訪馬祖績優社區,共32名幹部參加。此外,辦理飲料容器之「環保設計」及「創意利用」設計甄選競賽,並於本市信義區等六個行政區設置綠色採購產品推廣專櫃,另辦理績優環保公寓大廈社區之評選,共選出10個優良社區,並於年底辦理績優環保義工表揚與成果觀摩展示活動。
EngTitle Environmental Service Committee for Community of Taipei City(2004)
EngAbstract This project is planed to invite the environmental protection groups as a service action group to help communities to promote environmental protection activities, and to make Taipei being an ecological city, and to train environmental protection volunteers and help the Environmental Protection Department to handle environmental educational activities ,etc.. The important achievements are: (1) 3 sessions training courses for the new volunteers and this year; (2) trained 83 volunteers; handle 2 sessions advanced training courses for the volunteer, amounts to 175 volunteers had joined and trained; and handle a voluntary study camp, had visited the good performance communities of Mazu, amounts to 32 cadres had participated. This year also had handled a beverage container green design and creative design contest, and to set up the green products special counter in six administrative areas, such as Shin-I district of the city ,etc., to handle the assessment of the mansion community of environmental protection apartment of the good performance separately, had selected 10 fine communities altogether, and to handle a ceremony for the environmental protection volunteers of the good performance and communities had good achievement of the year at the end of the year.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 臺北市政府環境保護局