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Title 九十二年度固定污染源許可及稽查管制計畫
Abstract 在許可制度管理及輔導方面,環保署公告第一至七批固定污染源操作許可申請率已達100%,累計核發167製程數。此外,執行期間共執行許可輔導102家次,已核發許可證現場查核151製程數。在排放量更新及削減量統計方面,本計畫定期維護擴充EPAA97資料庫,目前列管固定污染源家數為286家,其污染物(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物及揮發性有機物)年排放量總計為2,883公噸。藉由清潔燃料替代、生產技術或加裝防制設備,本年度污染物年淨削減量(扣抵增量後)達291.9公噸。在稽查檢測作業方面,本計畫執行15家次空氣污染物稽查檢測、2家次臭味官能測定及15樣品數之油品含硫量抽測作業,結果均符合法規標準。此外,本計畫亦辦理5座加油站油氣回收設施功能查核,油槍油氣比不合格之比例高達27%。在相關法規輔導方面,本年度辦理許可季協談、定檢制度、專責人員制度、空污費制度、CEMS制度、加油站油氣回收設施管理辦法等說明會。在工廠評鑑方面,本年度辦理中國時報、自由時報(勇軒)及聯合報辦理工廠評鑑,並建議各廠設置VOCs熱焚化處理設備。在空污費催補繳方面,本計畫每季辦理空污費催補繳作業程序,使空污費到繳率由91%提昇至100%。在推動企業認養道路洗掃作業方面,共有11家公私場所參與,總洗掃道路長度為8,024公里。
EngTitle The Permit System and Inspection Project of Stationary Source of Air Pollution for Taipei City (2003)
EngAbstract In permit management and counsuling, the first to seventh batch, the rate of permit applications reaches 100% and 167 permit licenses have been issued. 102 factories have been consulted for permits and 151 manufacturing processes of issued permit licenses have be audited on site. In the air pollution quantities update and reduction, we maintain and expand the EPAA97 database periodically, and 286 factories has been filed. The total air pollution emission quantities are 2,883 ton per year. By clean fuel replacement, manufacturing processes modification and air pollution control device (APCD) installation, the net air pollution reduction quantities are 291.9 ton per year. In air pollutant emissions inspections for audit, 15 samples for TSP, SOx, NOx and VOC, and 15 samples for sulfur content of fuel oil have been completed. The performance test of vapor recovery for 5 gasoline stations have been completed, and 27% of the tested nozzles don"t comply with the requirements. In the counseling of related laws and regulations, we conduct the declaring meetings, including “permit system”, “periodical inspection”, “unit or personnel with exclusive responsibility for air pollution control”, “air pollution control fee regulations”, “CEMS regulations”, and “the vapor recovery in gasoline stations”. In evaluating factories , the assessment for the printeries of China times, United Daily News and Liberty times have been completed. The committee members suggested that the flue gas should be treated by the thermal combustion facilities in order to reduce the VOCs emission quantities. In the reminder of APF, we conduct the seasonal reminder works of APF to meet the related requirements of EPA. The imposition rate of APF increases from 91% to 100%. In the Promotion of the street cleaning for enterprises, we conduct the declaring meeting of the street cleaning for enterprises. There are 11 enterprises have joined street cleaning, and the length of washed street in 2003 reached 8024 km.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台北市政府環境保護局