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Title 92年屏東砂石場清查列管計畫
Abstract 砂石場(廠)的開採、作業區、運輸道路及裸露堆置場等,若無有效的污染防制措施,極易產生粉塵逸散,造成附近地區空氣、水質 、噪音、廢棄物及土壤…等污染問題,對其生活環境品質影響甚鉅。有鑑於此,環保署自八十八年八月起即推動全國性『砂石場(廠)清查列管專案計畫』,針對無適當防制措施致引起塵土飛揚或污染空氣之砂石場(廠),督導各縣市環保局依據空氣污染防制法規定,加強執行稽查告發處分作業;為此,各縣市環保局同時配合成立『砂石場(廠)清查列管專案計畫』,全面執行砂石場(廠)清查列管,以遏止其空氣污染及噪音污染情事。屏東縣環保局持續於民國90年及91年連續二年針對縣內所轄的砂石業進行輔導改善,在業者的配合下,也獲致多項改善成果,包括提高三級列管家數、削減率的提升、聯外及車輛進出口道路舖面與灑水、過車水道的設置、完成十條聯外道路認養…等,均獲得業者善意的回應。
EngTitle 2003 Sandstone factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project
EngAbstract Sandston factory’s extract, assignment, transport road and the stacking places, etc…If it has not efficient preventing pollution measures, it produces dust emission easily and cause the pollution problems of the air, water, noise, garbage and soil in the section nearby. And influence a lot of the living environment quality. Because of that, Environment Protection Bureau push the sandstone factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project from August, 19993. Focus on no suitable preventing strategy, which causes the flying dust, or pollute air’s sandstone factory to press each county and city’s Environment Protection Bureau to follow the rule of air pollution preventing to strength inspecting and punishment. For this reason, every county and city set up “sandstone factory’s checking thoroughly and listing to control project” and do the listing and control of that all round to stop the air and noise pollution.Pingtung County’s Environment Protection Bureau continue improving the sandstone industry inside for two years-2001 and 2002. Because of industry’s harmony with it, we get a lot of achievement including raise the factory to three level of listing to control, promote the reducing efficient, built the road of transporting with other county, and set up the sprinkler system, and try to carry out a policy of claiming ten roads which establish contact with other county. All get great respond from the industry.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環保局