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Title 92年屏東縣『移動污染源稽查管制計畫』~機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動~
Abstract 著經濟發展與工商社會進步,國民所得提高,生活品質的要求也隨之提高,造成機動車輛的快速成長。由於台灣地狹人稠,機車具有機動、迅速、便捷、經濟與停車方便等特性,適合做短距離的代步工具,因此機車成為目前台灣地區最普遍的個人交通工具。在台灣地區交通流量不斷遞增及活動快速增長下,都會地區各種空氣污染物排放,主要以機動車輛排放之污染物為主,不僅嚴重影響都會地區的空氣品質,更對民眾身體健康造成危害,加上生活型態改變及通勤時間增加,造成民眾曝露於交通工具污染的程度增加,使得民眾不悅的感覺亦隨之增加。屏東縣環境保護局執行「移動污染源稽查管制計畫」政策已推展多年,主要落實機車定期檢驗制度、加強路邊攔查、老舊機車汰舊換新制度宣導、推廣低污染交通工具之使用等,經由前述各項管制策略之配合,以達到督促車輛使用人注意車輛保養維護管理,與教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低機動車輛廢氣排放之空氣污染物總量,來有效達到改善空氣品質,為台灣地區空氣污染問題盡一份力量。
EngTitle 2003 Pingtung county 『Motive pollution source inspect and control project.』~Motorbike waste gas inspects and announces activities.
EngAbstract With the economies develop and the industry and commerce progress, people’s income increase, and the request of life quality also increase so it makes the motorbike grow up quickly. Due to Taiwan has so many people in the narrow land, motorbike get a lot of characteristics such as mobility, swift, convenience, economical and easy parking. It suits to be the tools of riding instead of walk for the short distances. So motorbike becomes to the most universality personal traffic tools now in Taiwan. Because of the traffic increase frequently and activities’ develop so fast in Taiwan, each kind of air pollution’s emission in city which take pollution matter from motorbike’s emission as the principal thing. Not only influence seriously of city’s air quality but also damage people’s health. And plus life’s style is changing and need spent more time for traffic to work, it make people exposing to the traffic tools’ pollution more which make people feel uncomfortable more. Pingtung county’s Environment Protection Bureau push the policy of “Motive pollution source inspect and control project.” for years, and focus on the inspect of motorbikes on a regular time, strength to check on the road, announce to eliminate old cars and buy a new one, try to spread low-polluted cars, etc… Correspond to each control strategy in the forward then attend to urge car’s owner take care of car’s maintenance, and educate driver the correct concept then to decrease the total amount of the air polluted matter from the motorbike and ameliorate air quality efficiency. Contribute the power for air pollution problem.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 屏東縣環保局