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Title 92年度空氣品質監測網規劃計畫
Abstract 空氣品質監測計畫,乃是蒐集分析歷年桃園縣空氣品質監測資料(包含環保署測站、環保局測站、空污基金專案計畫中相關監測資料)及運用之空氣品質模式,結合排放源資料,模擬污染物濃度分佈情形,並與既有測站資料比對分析。桃園縣空氣品質監測網規劃計畫自92年4月簽約執行,計畫目標主要有以下四項:(1)檢討桃園縣現有監測之功能、監測項目及涵蓋區域之完整性(2)利用模式模擬與空氣品質監測現況比對分析,提供作為監測網評估之參考(3)提升監測網之空間解析度,並強化特殊區域(工業區、交通動線)之監測(4)擬定桃園縣監測網分期規劃建置計畫及與監測數據中心連線規劃評估。
EngTitle A project to layout the air quality monitoring net in 2003
EngAbstract The air quality monitoring plan is to collect and analyze the air quality of Tao-Yuan county. Over the years (include environmental protection administration"s examining and stands , examines and stands , monitors the materials relevantly in the empty dirty fund special project plan in the Environmental Protection Agency) and the air quality way to use, combine and discharge the source materials, the thickness of simulation pollutant is distributed the situation, and with already examined the station materials than to analyze.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局