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Title 92年度廢棄物焚化爐有害空氣污染及惡臭物質管理輔導計畫
Abstract 桃園縣內大小工廠分布於高人口密度地區附近,此計畫透過清查及管制桃園縣內各類型焚化爐,檢測公私場所及周界環境惡臭物質及戴奧辛,建置排放資料,實廠輔導戴奧辛的減量規劃,落實經濟和環保兼顧的政策之目標。其檢測結果如下:(一)針對縣轄區周界空氣戴奧辛,工業區較商業區高,未來宜再檢測中壢工業區以外工業區,戴奧辛高者,列為優先監測區。(二)針對煙道戴奧辛,煙(管)道及廠區內戴奧辛及皆以事業廢棄物焚化爐最高,煉鋼電弧爐次之,汙泥焚化爐及大型都市焚化爐最低,顯示燃燒廢棄物種類及燃燒控制技術良否,嚴重影響戴奧辛的排放。 (三)針對飛灰戴奧辛,SM宜列為優先輔導及管理對象。 (四)針對工廠煙道排氣重金屬,以汙泥焚化爐較高。
EngTitle The management and tutorial for the incinerator harmful air pollution and stench material
EngAbstract All kinds of factory is distributed near the high area of density of population in Tao-Yuan county, this plan measure the circle environmental stench material in the place and week public and private and wear hard through checking and controlling all kinds of incinerator in the peach garden county, the construction discharges the materials, the real factory coaches and wears hard decrement to plan , implement the goal of the policy given consideration to in economy and environmental protection.In this county, the density of Dioxin in the industrial area is higher than the shopping center , the industrial area outside Li industrial area when should measure again in the future, the high one is worn hard, classify the monitoring area as and have priority .
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局