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Title 桃園縣產業環保技術服務計畫
Abstract 桃園縣政府特整合桃園縣民間資源,於民國91 年10 月正式成立「桃園產業環保技術服務團」,協助事業單位評估改善污染防治設備功能。透過桃園縣產業環保技術服務團之服務宗旨「污染預防、綠色生產、永續經營」;藉由多元化及綜合性的輔導項目,提供不同行業別工廠所需技術資源及相關法規;廢氣處理部份,輔導需求以臭味控制及VOC 處理較多,而可行之處理技術以活性碳吸附、焚化法及生物處理法為主;深入輔導專案以管理面及工程改善兩大方向做為改善規劃目標;方案推動執行仍需考量人力、財力、技術等因素之相互配合,並結合工廠現況及近期之營運方針。
EngTitle Industry's environmental protection technological service plan
EngAbstract The Tao-Yuan county government combine the private resources to establish " Tao-Yuan industry environmental protection technological service group ",on October 91 in order to help the public institution to assess and improve the equipment function of the prevention and control of pollution. Through the service of the industry, they environmental protection technological service group of garden county of peach; With the pluralism and comprehensive coaching project, offer and does not leave technological resources of need of the factory and relevant regulation the trade; The waste gas is dealt with partly, coach the demand and deal with stink controlling and VOC more, and feasible treatment technology rely mainly on the fact that the activated carbon absorbs , incinerates the law and carries out a biological disposal upon the law; Coach the special project deeply and improve two general orientations and make in order to improve the objectives with the chain of command and project; The scheme promotes and carries out the mutual cooperation that still needed to consider the factors , such as manpower , financial resources , technology ,etc., and combine the present situation of the factory and recent operation policy .
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局