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Title 92年度重大污染源連線監測計畫
Abstract 桃園縣環保局所制定的重大污染源連線監測計畫,目的在於提昇環保局現有通訊架構,解決公私場所連線所遭遇之困難、配合環保局端系統功能之提昇,輔導協助業者傳輸模組之更新、驗證連續自動監測設施之監測數據可信度。其工作內容以公私場所輔導查核作業項目,共完成四十場次之工廠輔導查核作業;針對境內重大污染源CEMS設置連線輔導作業,合計完成三十四家大型污染源輔導作業。計畫執行期間除輔導連線事業單位及維護連線系統正常外,並針對連線事業單位監測設施執行品保查核各項工作,輔導工廠建立品保/品管制度,協助環保局建立功能查核標準程序,以落實品保之查核制度。
EngTitle To built a monitoring line for the great pollution sources
EngAbstract The great pollution sources line of the Environmental Protection Agency of Tao-Yuan county of peach makes monitors the plan, the purpose lies in promoting the existing communication structure of the Environmental Protection Agency, solve difficulty that the place line meets , promotion matching the systematic function in the end of the Environmental Protection Agency public and private, monitoring data credibility of transmitting the renewal , verification of the mould group and monitoring facilities of the person who coaches helping industry automatically.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局