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Title 92年新縣河川水質監測及檢驗、工業區及水源水質保護區稽查採樣監測、許可登記建檔管理業務
Abstract 此計畫之執行重點共有五大工作項目,以下即針對各項工作之執行進度與摘要成果,分別說明之。一、地下水水源污染防治調查、監測及推動土壤污染防治工作地下水監測井採樣分析及污染量調查工作中,完成92年度第一季~四季之監測工作,各項監測結果皆符合地下水污染監測基準及地下水污染管制標準,結果無明顯之異常情形,將持續進行監測。土壤污染防治工作,本計畫係針對新竹縣土壤調查達土壤監測基準以上地區之農田追蹤調查檢測(土壤污染管制標準、土壤污染監測基準)並建檔管制。二、許可登記及建檔管理作業水污染源資料建檔管理之作業內容包括文書檔案管理、電腦資料庫建立及電腦資料庫資料異動更新,以確保事業水污染源管制資料之即時性與正確性。本階段工作成果由水污染系統資料庫加以整理統計,其中新竹縣轄區內屬列管事業家數共705家、下水道系統共49家、疑似水污法列管事業家數共147家,合計共901家。三、河川水質監測工作河川水質監測工作中,完成本年度第一季~四季監測工作,頭前溪流域之監測點為尖石大橋,本年度第一~四季之監測結果顯示水質尚屬良好,RPI判定屬未(稍)受污染。
EngTitle Water quality monitoring of rivers, examine, check, sample and monitor, permit registering and filing and managing the business in the water quality protection zone of source of watering in 2003
EngAbstract The objectives of this plan can be divided as five points. This can be illustrated as follows:1.The Investigation and monitor of the soil pollution preventing and controlling2.Permit registering, filing and managing3.Water quality monitoringIn the water quality monitoring of rivers and creeks , finish the monitoring in river four seasons of first season of the current year, the monitoring point of the brook land is the sharp stone bridge ago the head, the monitoring results of the first four seasons of the current year show that water quality still belongs to well, RPI is judged to belongs to and has not been polluted (slightly ).
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 新竹縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新竹縣政府環境保護局