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Title 92年度中港溪流域水質改善計畫
Abstract 中港溪流域水質改善計畫其重點共分為三部份,以下分別說明其執行成果。一、結合水利設施改善提昇南港溪水質可行性之評估,此工作在於執行以減少污染物滯留,加強利用河川自淨功能及增加溶氧為主要目標。二、砂石洗選(採取)污染與水量調查評估作業,篩選出34家砂石場進行第一批次評估採樣作業。另由於部份公私場所回收水懸浮固體物含量過高,為進一步深入了解造成公私場所回收水懸浮固體物檢測值偏高原因,故自第一批次水質檢測中,篩選出懸浮固體物檢測值偏高之砂石場(計11家)進行第二批次水質檢測。計畫執行期間,共計完成45家次之砂石場廢水處理設施評估採樣作業。三、建置學校河川生物監測站推動水環境教育作業,以中港溪為目標推動水環境教育,建置河川生物監測站,定期監測。
EngTitle The water quality improvement plan for Chong-Kong river in 2003
EngAbstract The main points of water quality improvement plan for Chong-Kong river is divided into three parts:(1)Combine the assessment of promoting the stream quality feasibility in the south harbour of water conservancy projects improvement. (2)Sand granite-wash pollution and the water quantity assessment. (3)Building the biological monitoring station of rivers and creeks in schools to promote the educational environment.The Chong-Kong stream is the subject to promote the educational environment, building the biological monitoring station of rivers and creeks, and investigated regularly.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 苗栗縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 苗栗縣環境保護局