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Title 92土壤污染防制工作計畫
Abstract 苗栗縣環境保護局所委託之「土壤污染防制計畫」,選定包括位於頭份鎮蘆竹里、公館鄉館南村灌溉溝渠、造橋鄉談文村及竹南鎮大厝里等六個一公頃區域,21個採樣點採集表層與裡層土壤,共計42個樣品,並完成所屬農地土地清冊建置。同時於10月22日支援民眾陳情案件,完成苑裡鄉農地土壤3個採樣點,採集6個樣品於現場交付環保局。92年度的監測結果,於頭份鎮蘆竹里24個樣品中有9個樣品其重金屬—鋅超過食用作物農地之監測基準,竹南鎮大厝里6個樣品中有3個樣品重金屬—汞超過監測基準,4個樣品重金屬—鋅超過監測基準,其中甚至有1個樣品超過管制標準。頭份鎮蘆竹里調查區測值有逐漸上升的趨勢,且可能沿著鄰近排水溝渠轉移污染面,建議下年度可對溝渠沿線農地土壤重金屬含量進行調查,同時檢測分析該溝渠上、中、下段水質與底泥,以追蹤污染來源並釐清相關責任。竹南鎮大厝里目前污染量雖高,但已無污染量增加或是轉移污染面的環境,應在整治工程前持續做調查,密切控管本調查區。而公館鄉與造橋鄉調查區無明顯污染現象,且歷次測值變化不大亦低於食用作物農地之監測基準,可以考慮取消監測。
EngTitle Soil pollution control in 2003
EngAbstract The environmental protection agency of Miaoshu county relegated the soil pollution control plan, which select six towns, 21 sampling points and 42 samples. altogether , and finish the affiliated farmland land inventory construction in 21 pieces of sampled point. Case that at the same time to support the people to give a full account on October 22, finishes 3 pieces of sampled point of township farmland and soil in the garden, gather 6 samples delivering to the Environmental Protection Agency.In the year of 92, The monitoring result show that its heavy metal zinc of 9 samples exceeds the edible crop farmland in 24 samples in the reed bamboo of the first town, there are 3 pieces of sample heavy metal mercury that exceed the datum of monitoring in 6 samples in big Cuo of south town of bamboo, 4 pieces of sample heavy metal zinc exceed the datum of monitoring, among them even a sample exceeds the standard of controlling.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 苗栗縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 苗栗縣環境保護局