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Title 92年度苗栗縣水庫水質研究暨人工採樣驗證計畫
Abstract 苗栗縣環保局於九十二年度成立「苗栗縣水庫水質連續監測站設置計畫」,在其縣境內之永和山水庫二處位置,設置二套水質連續監測設施,透過即時監測設施以及資訊傳輸設備,隨時將最新之水質監測數據傳送至環保局,以做為立即掌握水質狀況、數據統計分析、水質改善建議及行政決策等之參考。為了解連續監測數據之可信度,苗栗縣環保局另成立人工驗證計畫(本計畫),委託中興社依據環保署公告標準方法進行水質採樣分析,並加以比對驗證。水庫水質監測的最終目的,應包括對於水質變化的趨勢能夠有所掌握,尤其是優養化的議題逐漸受到民眾關切,但優養化議題必須全方位由自然環境、氣象條件、水質特性等各項參數加以探討;本計畫將探討永和山水庫優養化趨勢,而除物化指標之外,亦整合永和山水庫水質生物指標數據,以獲取水質變化特性。計畫已完成兩站、十一月次、每次十四個項目之標準方法水質檢測,分析水質結果;連續監測站設置後,完成兩站、八月次之數據比對工作,並彙整比對成果;另完成兩站、各四次之浮游植物、浮游動物、附著生物之鑑定分析,並計算生物指標。此外,每月並將工作成果定期彙整報告提送環保局。
EngTitle A research for the reservoir water quality and the verification for the artificial samples in 2003
EngAbstract The final purpose of monitoring the water quality of reservoir is to master the trend of water quality, especially the topic of raise melting excellently and receive the concerns of people gradually, but must be probed into to raise the topic of melting excellently omni-directionally from several parameters , such as natural environment , meteorological terms , water quality characteristic ,etc.; Will probe into and raise the trend of melting with the mountains and rivers storehouse excellently forever in this plan, and besides materialization index, also combine it with the biological index data of water quality of mountains and rivers storehouse forever, change the characteristic in order to obtain water quality.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 苗栗縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 苗栗縣環境保護局