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Title 廚餘回收二階段發酵處理技術開發與評估
Abstract 由於廚餘與一般垃圾混合處理的方法面臨合理化的要求,同時也為提昇垃圾焚化場運轉效率及減輕衛生掩埋場使用負荷壓力下,推行將廚餘從一般垃圾中分類回收,並加以適當處理再利用,就成為一項非常重要的環保工作。因此,本計畫將針對台灣都會地區的特性,規劃設計一套適合推行的廚餘回收二階段發酵處理再生有機肥的系統。希望透過這個系統,提供一個廚餘殘菜的最佳處理方法,以落實政府提倡資源回收再利用的環保觀念,甚至作為廚餘處理再生有機肥的參考。由本計畫所設計完成之第一階段廚餘高速發酵機的測試發現:70℃的操作溫度、風量全開(0.2 Nm3/min)、攪拌頻率每15分鐘一個循環及3.3%木屑添加量是最佳操作條件。至於,第二階段腐熟發酵試驗,以第一階段的半成品和0%、20%及33%等不同比例之新鮮廚餘混堆,經45天測試結果發現:發芽率分析的腐熟度,由原先的20.1-26.6%提高到65.3-74.2%,但仍未達80%以上的完全腐熟。因此,有待進一步測試。
EngTitle The Development and Evaluation for Two-Stage Fermentation Treatment of Recycled Food Wastes
EngAbstract Recently, the way to treat food wastes and general garbage together has been requested to be more reasonable. Also, in order to improve the operation efficiency of municipal waste incinerator, and reduce the burden of sanitary landfill operation, recycling of food wastes from garbage and reusing after proper treatment will be a very important issue of environmental protection. Therefore, this project will develop and design a two-stage fermentation system of food waste treatment for Taiwan metropolis. It is hopeful that the system can provide the best way for food waste treatment, and implement the government’s environmental protection concept of resources recycling as well as reusing. Moreover, this system can be also a reference for converting food wastes to organic fertilizers.The testing result of first stage high-efficiency fermentation machine has shown that 700C operation temperature, 0.2 Nm3/min air flow, 15 min /cycle stirring speed, and 3.3% wooden waste as an additive are the best condition for food waste treatment. In addition, the mixtures of 0%, 20%, and 33% of first stage products with fresh food wastes were composted to become thoroughly decomposed fertilizers for 45 days. The germination test of these organic fertilizers has shown that the percentages increase from 20.1-26.6% to 65.3-74.2% but not over 80% yet. Therefore, more composting time is necessary.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 明志技術學院