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Title 研訂廢棄物焚化處理及灰渣再利用管理具體實施計畫
Abstract 環保署為要適解決台灣地區垃圾處理問題,自八十年起積極推動大型垃圾焚化廠興建工程,目前已有十九座廠順利完工營運。由於進廠垃圾性質及種類對焚化後灰渣品質影響甚鉅,而灰渣品質及穩定性對其最終虛置及可否再利用有決定性之影響,若灰渣處理及管制不當,對環境有負面影響,故建立廢棄物處理及再利用管理系統制度,已為重要課題。本案工作內容包括協助環保署擬訂「廢棄物焚化處理及灰渣再利用管理實施計畫」、擬訂焚化廠廢棄物進廠及灰渣出廠管理規範、擬定焚化廠查核評鑑要點並辦理九十三年上半年十九座廠查核評鑑工作、辦理技術交流研討會等,期逐步有效建立及整合焚化廠土、中、下游管制機制,為焚化爐建立「環境設施新形象」。
EngTitle Study and Preparation of Execution Plan for the Refuse Incineration Treatment and Ash Reuse Management
EngAbstract For solving the problem of refuse treatment in Taiwan, EPA has advanced the construction of refuse incineration plants (RIP) vigorously since 1991. Nowadays, 19 plants are running successfully. Because that refuse property and variety affect the quality of RIP'S slag and the quality and stability of slag is the major factor which affect its final disposal and reuse. 1f slag is treated and managed improperly, it would influence our environments. So it becomes an important topic to establish the management mechanism of waste treatment and reuse. The scope of this project includes : to assist EPAto prepare" Executing Plan for Management of Waste Incinerating and Slag Reuse", to prepare the management criteria of waste receiving and slag treatment, to prepare the appraisal rules for RIP and execute the first 19 RIPs appraisal work on 2004, to hold technical exchange seminars. Hoping to effectively establish and integrate the up, middle and down stream management mechanism, and switch the RIP to" New Image of Environment Facility ".
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司