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Title 都市垃圾焚化爐飛灰電漿熔融資源化處理技術開發計畫
Abstract 環保署與核研所成立「都市垃圾焚化爐飛灰電漿熔融資源化處理技術開發」合作計畫的目的是要研究探討電漿熔融處理飛灰的特性與效益,並建立都市垃圾焚化爐灰渣電漿熔融資源化雛型系統及相關技術,使焚化爐灰渣電漿熔融資源化技術能紮根於國內。本合作計畫完成北投、內湖、樹林、新竹市及高雄市中區等五座焚化廠一年四次焚化灰渣樣品之成分定量、戴奧辛含量、重金屬溶出試驗等分析,與灰渣熔融特性理論分析,以及實驗型電漿爐熔融小量灰渣樣品,獲得灰渣熔融配比與熔融操作條件;並以55加侖桶盛裝壓塊飛灰進行整桶熔融試驗,證實飛灰熔融之可靠性;及進行焚化灰渣電漿熔融資源化雛型系統運轉測試,計運轉19批次,超過1,000小時之熔融水淬試驗,並完成單批次連續7天之運轉,測試期間共熔融約66公噸灰渣,及產出約47公噸水淬熔岩。水淬熔岩經檢測,其重金屬與戴奧辛含量均遠低於法規限值。核研所於計畫執行期間亦併行發展水淬熔岩資源化技術,實際應用於透水磚製作、道路級配與玻璃陶瓷等。另焚化飛灰處理成本,依飛灰:底渣=1:1比例混合熔融處理並產製資源化產品,處理單價為4.90元/公斤;如飛灰添加廢玻璃熔融處理,處理單價為5.55元/公斤。而飛灰採水泥固化穩定化處理後掩埋,處理單價為5.70元/公斤,且處理後體積將增加30~40%,對後續掩埋場所需土地範圍大及潛藏對環境的危害風險。本結案報告內容除敘述各工作項之研究成果外,亦針對電漿熔融技術處理焚化灰渣之效益加以評估。同時,建議政府宜掌握契機加速本土化電漿技術之應用發展,使電漿技術產業不再重蹈焚化爐工程技術被外國企業所掌控之覆轍。
EngTitle Final Report of the Cooperated Project between the Taiwan EPA and INER:Development of Plasma Vitrification Technology for Recycling Fly Ashes Generated from Municipal Solid Wastes Incinerators
EngAbstract Fly ashes from municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators containing harmful constituents such as heavy metals and dioxins are classified as hazardous wastes. Twenty-seven MSW incinerators with total design capacity of 25,400 tons/day to be installed in Taiwan shall generate fly ashes and bottom ashes daily with a quantity about 1,000 tons/day and 4,000 tons/day respectively. Due to space limitation and high population density, the treatment and disposal of MSW fly ash has become an issue of the public concerns in Taiwan. Currently, MSW fly ashes are treated by cement solidification method and then sent to disposal sites. In order to provide a better solution, Taiwan EPA and the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) joined together to study the plasma melting process for recycling the ash residues through a cooperated project between November 2003 and September 2005. Bottom and fly ashes were sampled from five MSW incinerators (i.e. Beitou, Neihu incinerators in Taipei city, Shulin incinerator in Taipei county, Nanlao incinerator in Shin-Chu city and the central area incinerator in Kaohsiung city) for this study. The chemical compositions, dioxins contents, radioactivity and leaching rates of the regulated heavy metals etc. were analyzed. Plasma vitrification of bottom ashes and fly ashes from five operating MSW incinerators in Taiwan was studied. Experimental results from lab-scale testing show that all the bottom ashes (BA) and fly ashes from boilers and economizers (FA) can be converted into high-quality slag at 1,450°C,but fly ashes from semi-dry air pollution control device (i.e. reaction ashes, RA) can not be melt even at 1,650°C due to high basicity (CaO/SiO2) and high chloride contents. To effectively vitrify the reaction ashes, bottom ashes or boiler ashes were added with proper weight ratios to control the basicity of the ash mixtures in between one and three. Pilot-scale plasma furnace with drum feeder was used to process the pre-compressed ash residues into barreled slag in batch operation mode to verify reliability of the whole system. Successful plasma vitrification testing encourages Taiwan EPA and INER to build a demonstrative plasma melting system to vitrify the ash residues into water-quenched slag in continuous operation mode for further recycling study. The plasma demo-system have been operated in 19 performance test runs and accumulated more than 1,000 operation hours. One continuous operation last for seven days was completed to prove the availability and reliability of the plasma vitrification technology developed by INER. Sixty-six tons of bottom ash and fly ash were vitrified during the testing and forty-seven tons of water-quenched slag was generated. Several eco-products such as permeable bricks, glass ceramic, perfume bottles and statues etc. were made from water-quenched slag for recycling practice. The water-quenched slag was also mixed with bitumen to form asphalt concrete for road pavement.To estimate the operation cost, a plasma vitrification plant with a capacity of 50 tons per day to recycle the MSW ash residues was evaluated based on the conditions that the mixing ratio of fly ash and bottom ash is 1:1 and the water-quenched slag are used to produce permeable bricks. The process cost is about 8.91 NT dollars per kilogram ash mixture. By counting the revenue of the permeable bricks, the net operation cost is reduced to 4.90 NT dollars per kilogram ash mixture. To increase the feeding ratio of fly ash, waste glasses can be used as flux instead of bottom ash and the operation cost to vitrify the fly ash becomes to 5.55 NT$/kg. For comparison, the disposal cost of fly ash by using cement solidification process with chemical stabilizer is given as 5.7 NT$/kg. From this study, one can conclude that fly ashes from MSW incinerators could be vitrified into high quality slag and recycled as different eco-products with considerable value by plasma torch. Domestic plasma vitrification technology to recycle the MSW ash residues has been established through the execution of this project. Installation of commercial plasma melting plants to recycle MSW ash residues using domestic plasma technology should be considered and promoted by government for creating an everlasting environment.
ProjectYear 092
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 行政院原子能委員會核能研究所