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Title 山坡地等地區環境影響評估總量管制計畫--以苗栗縣為例
Abstract 總量管制是以環境承載力為基礎,用以確保環境資源的開發利用能在其環境可容受的範圍內進行之,以期能降低不當之開發行為所導致之環境問題與災害。總量管制的內涵在於針對個別區域環境之特性,並依據區域內各類環境承載力大小程度的不同,在制定管制標準時,基本上必須考慮水、空氣、土壤等環境受體之涵容能力。本研究乃以苗栗縣為研究範圍,分析計畫區總量管制在開發行為環境影響評估審議過程中之應用,分別針對空氣品質、水資源供給、河川水質、環境敏感地、土壤品質及土地使用適宜性等環境因子進行總量管制分析。以研擬此計畫區內環境資源的總量評估與管制策略,以供環保署環境影響評估總量管制之參考。並將本研究蒐集及建立之環境相關資料,以地理資訊系統建檔以作為後續環境敏感地分析、都市發展課題研擬及總量管制評估分析等各項作業之基礎資料。就土地使用與環境敏感地而言,苗栗縣內保護區的面積佔全縣的27%,條件發展區為70%,其他地區僅佔3%。苗栗縣空氣品質部分,空氣品質不良(PSI>100)的日數卻並不多,平均僅佔全年的2%左右,即使在最高年份(1996年頭份有15日、1999年新竹有10次)也少於整年的5%,為空氣品質狀況較為優良的地區。儘管如此,推動台灣地區懸浮微粒排放減量仍然是改善空氣品質之首要之務,這方面需加強汽機車等移動污染源和大型工廠等固定污染源的控管工作,訂定合理的成長或消減額度,方能達到逐步改善空氣品質的目標。水資源方面,苗栗縣總出水能量中以地表水為取水水源之出水能量約為165,000CMD,約佔總出水量之68%,顯見苗栗地區自來水系統以地表水為主,地下水為輔。目前自來水用水主要由永和山水庫、明德水庫、鯉魚潭水庫。至民國九十二年可滿足用水需求,但九十二年以後須增加水資源之開發與調配。苗栗縣境內水系污染涵容能力分析結果,中港溪河段受污染嚴重優先削減物質為BOD、SS與氨氮。後龍溪中下游河段污染較為嚴重,優先削減物質為BOD與氨氮。西湖溪全河段未受或稍受污染。大安溪河段中度污染程度,優先削減河段為SS。環境影響評估總量管制之精神,應基於各地方發展之需要,就整體性與地區性資源、環境保護、國土規劃、資源利用之衝突和相關法規相配合。因此,環保當局應兼顧環境品質和經濟發展前提下訂定最佳的環境總量管制策略,避免台灣地區環境負荷過量加劇天然災害所造成的影響或限制過當妨礙地方之發展。而總量管制概念架構及環境影響評估流程,宜納入國土開發、區域發展及地方發展計畫(白皮書)等上位計畫,以維持地方可永續發展。未來宜就區域及地方發展計畫研擬出總量管制之方法論,以做為各地區總量管制實施之依據。
EngTitle Total Load Control Plan for Environmental Impact Assessment in Slope-Land Areas-Case Study on Miao-Li County
EngAbstract According to the environmental carrying capacity, total load control aimed to develop and use environmental sources under the acceptable capacity,reducing the impacts and ards of unsuitable developments and uses.Meanwhile, total load control focuses on the individual environmentalcharacteristics and carrying capacity to determine the standards of total load based on the capacities of water, air and so on.The air quality, water resources, water quality and nmental sensitive land, soil quality and land use suitability of Miao-Li County were analyzed to perform total load analysis establishing the total load assessment and control rategies as the references of environmental impact assessment for EPA. The analyzed results and data of total load control were converted and established into geographical information system.In the views of land use and sensitive land of Miao-Li County, the land-cover percentages of conservation area, conditional development area and else are 27%, 70% and 3%, respectively. According to the air pollution tendencies, only almost 2% of days per year had poor air quality (PSI > 100) that represents good air quality in Miao-LiCounty. However, the reduction of PM 10 emission is the first essential work that enforces the controls of the moving pollution sources such as vehicles and fixed pollution sources such as factories by establishing the growing and reducing volumes to gradually improve air quality in this study area. Water resources analyses results indicated that the surface water is the major resource of using water could support 165,000 CMD almost 68% of total supplying water. The needs of drinking water are supplied by Hungho-Shan, Mi-Te and Liyu-Tan reservoirs. This water supplying can satisfy the water needs from now up to 2003 in this study area. After 2003, it is essential for creating the new sources of water and rearranging water supply system in this study area.The water pollution analysis results illustrated that the firs
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 中國文化大學環境設計學院景觀學系