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Title 飲用水水源水質保護區分區分級管理與補償制度
Abstract 計畫目標在於建立飲用水水源水質保護區管理制度以及經濟誘因制度,規劃二級二區管制區;一級管制區不得建造永久性建造物、構造物並禁止變更地形或地貌。二級管制區:包含一級管制區以外之飲用水水源水質保護區範圍內,其地上建築物之改建、修繕、拆除、變更原有地形、建造工廠、房屋或其他設施者,應向當地直轄市、縣(市)政府申請開發許可,報請主管機關核定後辦理之。並提出三種補償制度為:一、土地儲備制。二、地役權。三、發展權移轉:經案例分析後發現土地儲備制度、地役權及發展權移轉三種補償制度以每年支付年度地役權費用之方式較為可行,本研究所研提之三項補償方案中以地役權方案可行性較高,採地役權補償方式所計算出金額補償金額約為八百二十七億元至三千二百七十三億元不等之金額。以地役權補償方式並以地價之三成作為地役權價後,以每年3%的價格作為收購當年度地役權之總經費,財源籌措若由自來水公司及農業用水徵收同樣之費率則每度水附徵1元至12元不等。由地價稅附徵取得,經計算後發現依據地價之不同可分別徵收不同之稅率,則需分別調整65%及33%的稅率。本研究並提出短、中、長程三個執行法源方案,以供政策評估之參考。第一個方案係現行法規下可執行的管理方案,第二個方案針對飲用水管理條例,新增保護區分區分級管理方式、補償方式、補償財源籌措方法、管理組織等條文,第三方案研擬整體水資源管理法案。管理模式及補償範圍之界定水質模式結果為依據,並對照水質監測資料在進行檢討。
EngTitle Zoning management and compensation in source-water-quality-protection area of drinking water
EngAbstract The purpose of this research is built the management system of source-water-quality-protection area. We suggest to divide conservation up two zone. The first zone is strong limit to any development, and development control mechanism in the second zone is development permission. We suggest land banking, easement, and development transfer three compensations for watershed conservation. After case study of Kao-Ping watershed, “easement” mechanism is the most workable one. If government use “easement” mechanism to compensate the landowner in source-water-quality-protection area, the total compensation is between 82 billion to 327 billion. The government can pay the rent to landowner by year to lower the payment. The payment can be charged from using tap water by 1 to 12 dollars per cubic meter. If the payment is charged from land taxes, the tax rate will be to rise up 33% to 65%. We suggest the three mechanisms to management the source-water-quality-protection area. First, the mechanism can be work under the “Drinking Water Management Act”. The second mechanism is worked out for changing the “Drinking Water Management Act, ” and put the articles about zoning, management, and compensation etc. The third mechanism is worked out for legislation the new law, and this new law can put all water resource management things together. All of the management mechanism and the boundaries of protection areas are base on the QUAL2E model and simulation and verification to water quality of Kao-Ping watershed.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會