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Title 北區毒災應變諮詢中心計畫
Abstract 工研院環境與安全衛生技術發展中心(以下簡稱環安中心)以長期執行相關性質計畫的基礎(86年起執行環保署毒性化學物質災害防救緊急諮詢體系計畫),並參酌國內、外現行化學品應變諮詢服務中心運作方式,於91年2月承接本計劃並開始執行,執行期間承蒙委辦單位(環保署)的監督與指導,以及參與同仁的全力配合,截至91年11月底止,完成計畫所有的工作項目與內容。執行進度符合計畫期程規劃。在二十四小時緊急諮詢服務方面,由於本計畫為年度延續性計畫,緊急諮詢服務自年初即不間斷執行,截至目前為止,共完成二十件毒、化災緊急諮詢服務案件,平均約每個月有兩件重大緊急諮詢服務,服務對象擴及環保、消防、港務局、航運站等政府單位及業者,之後針對到場應變支援的案例進行調查彙整與案例分析,並於11月22日舉辦九十一年度緊急諮詢案例與作業流程研討會,會中邀請政府單位(消防署、中央與縣市環保單位)、學者與業者共同參與討論,針對今年度緊急諮詢案例進行研析與修訂緊急諮詢標準作業程序。非緊急諮詢服務平均每星期約4-5通,服務內容有毒化物毒理特性說明、法規說明、偵測警報設置說明及危害預防及應變作業要點說明等..。為了使毒災防救與應變更為安全有效,中心於8月底前完成更新列管編號107-164毒性化學物質的緊急應變卡(HAZMAT)、災害防救手冊、物質安全資料表(MSDS)及毒理有關資料。在毒性化學物質運作廠場防救基本資料的建置進度上,已完成資料建檔並以查詢程式系統聯結,建檔對象為北區各縣市毒化物運作達管制限量以上的工廠為優先,建檔廠家數約400家,建檔內容包括:工廠基本資料、毒化物運作資料、廠外及廠區平面圖、廠內應變資材等資料。在政府單位的動員講習工作上,於6月12日舉辦轄區內縣市環保局、消防局及軍事單位的動員講習,參與達56人。此外在北區毒災聯防小組組訓工作上,於8月20日舉辦完成,參與達325人次。為了強化與轄區內毒災聯防小組與專家群的互動,中心於四月底發行簡訊1500份,寄發對象為全國毒災聯防小組成員、相關政府災害防救單位承辦人員、專家群與軍方支援單位等,重新檢討北區毒災聯防小組籌組方式,目前共有383家廠商,分為17組。在規劃運作毒性化學物質工廠無預警測試方面,中心完成測試方案擬定,規劃三種測試題型與評分方式,於6月12日舉辦說明會,會中以錄影帶方式呈現測試的流程與重點,之後由各縣市環保單位進行實際測試,由中心進行輔導與協助,在9月15日完成北區所有縣市的三十七場次測試工作,之後由中心彙整測試結果,成果報告與建議在9月30日提交環保署。 編列毒災應變第三階段技術人員訓練教材方面,本年度預計完成十二章節訓練教材的編寫,由學者、業界及政府主管機關執行撰寫,並由審稿人進行審閱,於11月16日完成定稿,11月下旬提交環保署。
EngTitle Plan for Northern Taiwan Center of Consultation on Response to Disasters Caused by Hazardous Chemical Materials
EngAbstract The 24-hour emergency consultation service is continuously available in the entire year. Since the beginning of the year, the emergency consultation service has been provided without interruption. To date, a total of 20 cases of emergency consultation service for hazardous chemical disasters have been handled. This means that this Center provided 2 cases of important emergency service in average per month. The objects that have received the above services included such organizations as environmental protection, fire brigade, and harbor bureau and navigation station. Afterwards, this Center conducted survey, compilation of data and analysis on the cases of field response support. On Nov 22, 2002, this Center convened year 2002 seminar on emergency consultation cases and operation procedure instances, with participants from such government agencies as Fire Protection Dept of Ministry of Interior, environmental protection units at central and local levels, scholars and the concerned enterprises for discussions, where they made discussions and analysis on the cases of emergency consultation and revision to procedure governing emergency consultation. Number of phone call for non-emergency consultation service ranged from 4 to 5 times per week. Contents of the service included description of toxicity of toxicants, introduction to the relevant laws/regulations, description of installation of alarm system, and key points of hazardous prevention as well as emergency responsive actions. To assure safety and effectiveness in disaster prevention and rescue, by end of Aug 2002, this center has completed to update the card for hazardous chemical materials (HAZMAT) under file No. 107-164 on the list for follow-up actions, manual on prevention and rescue of disasters, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and other data on toxicity.With respect to the progress in establishment of basic data on prevention and rescue of plant for production of hazardous chemical materials, the plants have completed filing of the relevant data and the connection of inquiry programs and systems. First priority for establishment of file is assigned to the plants engaged in production of hazardous chemical materials with productivity in excess of the upper limit in the counties and cities in northern Taiwan. To date, files have been established for 400 chemical manufacture plants. Contents of file comprise basic information of the plant, data on production/operation of hazardous chemical materials, plain drawings inside and outside of the plant and data on the resources exclusively for emergency rescue. With respect to the mobilization and orientation sponsored by the competent authority, the government conducted orientation for 56 persons from environmental protection bureaus, the fire brigades at county and city levels as well as the military units within this jurisdiction. With regard to the organization and training in the joint section for control of hazardous control on northern Taiwan such training for 325 trainees has been completed on Aug. 20, 2002. To intensify the mutual responsive actions between members of the team for joint actions for control of disaster from hazardous chemical materials, this Center issued 1500 copies of newsletter at end of Apr. 2002 which were distributed to members of the nationwide joint team for control of hazardous chemical materials, the in-charge personnel of unit for disaster control of governmental agencies, expert groups and the supportive military units. For the re-review on the mode of organization of the joint-team for prevention of hazardous chemical materials in northern Taiwan, there are 383 manufacturers participating in this program and they are divided into 17 sections.With respect to the plants for production of hazardous chemicals without alarm system for tests, this Center has developed a test program that comprises 3 packages for the test and the scoring, for which presentation was held on June 12, 2002. At the presentation, videotape was displayed to show flow and highlights of the test. Afterwards, the environmental protection bureaus at county and city levels proceeded with actual tests under consultation and assistance from this Center. Upon completion of 37 sets of tests for the counties and cities in northern Taiwan on Sept 15, 2002, this Center collected and edited results of all tests and prepared report with recommendations that was submitted to EPA of Executive Yuan on Sept 30th.With respect to preparation of teaching materials for technicians at the 3rd phase training in prevention of hazardous chemical materials, this center is scheduled for completion of chapter 12 on training materials in this year that shall be prepared by the scholars, the concerned manufacturers and the competent authorities of the government that shall be reviewed by the editors, which shall be completed by Nov. 16, 2002 and be submitted to EPA in the latter part of Nov. 2002.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院 環境與安全衛生技術發展中心