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Title 環保署歷年辦理空氣品質淨化區成果展示冊及二00三年曆紀事冊製作專案工作計畫
Abstract 一、研究目的:本計畫之總體目標在協助行政院環境保護署從歷年來核定補助設立的空氣品質淨化區中,遴選出具代表性之優良空氣品質淨化區。並將空氣品質淨化區的設置理念、歷年來的成果及此次評選的優良成果編製印刷成優美之書面宣傳方式來推廣,促使地方及民眾更進一步瞭解空氣品質淨化區設置之目的及意義,使政府與地方能夠上下一心的來推動空氣品質淨化區,進而提昇環境品質以提供全民一優質的生活環境。二、研究方法及結果:1.擬定優良空氣品質淨化區甄選辦法,以甄選出優良之空氣品質淨化區。2.邀請學者專家成立「優良空氣品質淨化區評選委員會」。3.辦理優良空氣品質淨化區甄選活動,最後決選出35處具代表性之優良空氣品質淨化區基地。4.將決選出之優良空氣品質淨化區基地資料製作成果展示冊(200份),分送各縣市政府及相關機構,使其瞭解環保署歷年推動綠化及地方維護之成果。5.將環保署推動空氣品質淨化區設置理念、宗旨及選出之優良空氣品質淨化區製作成二○○三年曆紀事冊(500冊),分送社會及相關團體,使民眾瞭解植樹綠化對改善空氣品質之效益。三、結論與建議:本委託計畫已執行完成契約書中規定之進度及相關項目之辦理,相關之建議分述如下:1.針對優良空氣品質淨化區甄選活動之辦理成果,舉辦較大型且隆重之頒獎典禮,以公開展示空氣品質淨化區之設置成效,並嘉勉地方之努力。2.未來優良空氣品質淨化區甄選活動應於每年九月底前完成辦理,以利後續成果資料之蒐集與編撰。3.成果展示冊及年曆紀事冊宜每年持續辦理,並配合該年之甄選活動將最新之空氣品質淨化區相關資訊及環保署的重要事件納入其中。4.本案相關內容及精采照片等資料應能登入環保署之網站內,提供民眾上網瀏覽或下載,並對評選優良基地予以上網公佈以表揚之。5.配合甄選活動之辦理,製作一些單張多樣化的空氣品質淨化區景觀書籤或相關且實用性文宣用品,散發給一般之民眾,以增加宣導效果。
EngTitle Results exhibition of EPA’s establishment of Air Quality Purification Area in past years and publication of EPA 2003 engagement calendar project.
EngAbstract 1.Project purpose:The overall purpose of this project is to assist EPA to evaluate all Air Quality Purification Areas (hereinafter called AQUAPU Area) and to choose representative and excellent AQUAPU Areas. Together with there results are information related to AQUAPU Area ideology and past years’ achievements all to be published in quality printing materials. This publication will be used as promotional material to assist local government and public to understand more about the significance of AQUAPU Area. Therefore, all can be working together to promote and to establish more quality AQUAPU Area which will result in quality environment and quality life.2.Method and results:2.1 Establishment of quality AQUAPU Areas evaluation methods and procedures.2.2 Invite scholars and specialists to form 「Quality AQUAPU Area Evaluation Committee」2.3 Carrying out quality AQUAPU Areas evaluation activity. As the results, 35 quality AQUAPU Areas will be chosen.2.4 To publish these chosen sites as exhibition materials (200 copies), and to send these publication to local governments and related agencies to make them aware of EPA’s greenization efforts.2.5 Incorporate AQUAPU Area’s ideology, purposes, and chosen quality AQUAPU sites into EPA’s 2003 engagement calendar. Distribute these calendars to public and related NGOs to make them aware of that greenization and air quality purification are closely related.3.Conclusion and Suggestion:This project has been accomplished according to the timing and content requirements of the contract.Related suggestions are as follows:3.1 A major award ceremony to be held to publicize the results of the establishment of AQUAPU area, and to award local government agencies for their endeavor.3.2 Future quality AQUAPU sites selection activities are recommended to be finished before September in order to have sufficient time for quality publication.3.3 Results exhibition publication and engagement calendar for quality AQUAPU Area are recommended
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 太倉規劃顧問有限公司