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Title 建立二仁溪將軍溪河川生態指標與流域整治績效評估計畫
Abstract 本計劃之目的在調查二仁溪及將軍溪流域之生態資料與河川水質現況,並依此而建立二仁溪與將軍溪之生態指標與污染整治績效評估。最後則利用調查資料製作環境教材與進行生態養成訓練,也研析兩條溪流污染防治之最佳策略,結果發現,雖然雨季與潮水有助於減輕污染,但是,由WQI,RPI,BOD/DO與生物相等資料判斷,兩條溪流之水質多被分類為嚴重污染之狀態,執行篩選級生態風險評估之結果顯示,目前兩條溪流中氨氮對生物之影響可能較重金屬明顯,可能是未來應注意之水質變數。兩條溪流中魚類、水生昆蟲與兩生類等直接生存於河川或其附近之生物均顯現物種數量少且以耐污種為優勢種之群聚結構。兩條河川中之水質變數與魚類及水生昆蟲群聚特徵,目前尚無法建立其關聯性。依調查資料,本研究建議魚類生物指標物種,和發展一套一般民眾與中小學生適用之無脊椎動物多測項環境品質評估系統。最後,提出下列四點建議: (1) 持續進行二仁溪與將軍溪之生態監測,以記錄與瞭解整治績效。(2) 以第二階段之風險評估法,針對重金屬與其他未評估之有機污染物,進行生態評估。(3) 利用教育人力和社區民眾來使用「無脊椎動物多測項環境品質評估系統」,協助行政單位監測水質變動,達成面狀之「水質監測網」與推廣環境教育。(4) 基於台灣地區河川補遍缺乏未污染狀態之參考資料的困境,建議發展整合水質(化學)、棲地(物理)與生物特徵以評量河川環境品質之量化指標。
EngTitle Development of biological indicator systems and competence assessment of pollution management on the Erh-jen River and ching-chun River
EngAbstract The objectives of this project were to collect the ecological data and measure the water quality of E-ren River and Gin-gen River. Based on the established database, ecological indicators were identified, and the competence of stream pollution management on both rivers was assessed. Instruction manuals and posters for environmental education were made, and training sessions were also held. Additionally, the optimal strategy to manage the current polluted situation in both rivers was proposed. Despite the pollution condition were improved due to the dilution in rainy season and from tidal change, species composition of aquatic organisms and the index values of WQI, RPI, and BOD/DO indicated the water quality in both streams were classified as serious pollution. The biological impact from ammonia-nitrogen may be greater than heavy metal based on the result of conducting a Screening Level Environmental Risk Assessment, thus more attention should be placed on the former water quality variable. Few species were present and tolerance species were dominant the fish and macroinvertebrate communities in both streams. No statistical significant correlation was identified for both streams. Biological indicator of fish species were recommended, and a multimetric system of assessing stream environmental quality designed specifically for general public and elementary to high school students were constructed. Finally, four suggestions were made:1. to continue conducting the current ecological monitoring in both streams to record and evaluate the effectiveness of pollution management. 2. to measure the ecological impact of heavy metal and unassessed organic pollutants by executing the tier II Environmental Risk Assessment. 3. to encourage educational personnel and community resident to apply the Macroinvertebrate Multimetric Environmental Assessment System in both streams to organize a network of water quality in both watersheds. 4. to dev
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄師範大學生物科學研究所