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Title 因應氣候變化綱要公約決策支援專案工作計畫
Abstract 本研究主要係協助本署以非政府組織身分持續參與公約相關會議,掌握發展趨勢,協助研擬我國因應策略,加強國際合作交流,並檢討我國溫室氣體國家統計體系,並加強資訊傳播。本本計畫主要具體成果略以:1.建立對外溝通管道:本研究與公約執行秘書等10餘個國家代表、機構,針對國家通訊、CDM、排放交易、和國際參與議題均已接洽且持續聯絡,另委請公約負責非附件一國家之國家通訊準則主席瑞士籍Dr. Romero就我國所編撰之國家通訊初稿進行審閱。2.規劃溫室氣體統計國家體系:本計畫根據2000年氣候變化綱要公約附屬機構會議決議(FCCC/SBSTA/2000/5),檢討我國本計畫主要具體成果略以:1.建立對外溝通管道:本研究與公約執行秘書等10餘個國家代表、機構,針對國家通訊、CDM、排放交易、和國際參與議題均已接洽且持續聯絡,另委請公約負責非附件一國家之國家通訊準則主席瑞士籍Dr. Romero就我國所編撰之國家通訊初稿進行審閱。2.規劃溫室氣體統計國家體系:本計畫根據2000年氣候變化綱要公約附屬機構會議決議(FCCC/SBSTA/2000/5),檢討我國統計溫室氣體清冊的經驗,完成溫室氣體統計國家體系之規劃(含:清冊統計與資料庫管理更新、專家小組審查、數據驗證、和國家審查與通過等流程)。3.評估我國對外跨國比較指標:本研究分析人均排放、單位GDP排放、單位GDP(購買力)排放、單位初級能源排放、能源生產力等六種國際間常用指標建議未來我國參與談判工作最有利之指標為單位GDP(購買力)排放量,這項指標排放為全球79位,可展現我新興工業國之特色,且可顯示我國節約能源之效果。4.評估我國碳匯潛力:本計畫分析了馬拉喀什協定中的規範,配合我國溫室氣體清冊資料庫數據分析,LUCF吸收量占我國溫室氣體總排放量8%~12%,可知我國碳匯在溫室氣體的吸收具有相當之潛力。5.在資訊傳播方面,本計畫撰構中英文網站、說帖,發行5期資訊速報,每期2000份,寄送對象相當廣泛,包括公(39%)、私部門(29%)、教育單位(29%)與民間組織(14%),頗具傳播成效。符合公約第6條實施氣候變化及其影響的教育及提高公共意識之計畫,並編寫和交換相關材料以提供訊息等細則。此外,本計畫持續業參加國際排放交易協會(IETA)之運作,首次在公約締約國會議之周邊會議(special event)報告我國參與京都機制之立場。
EngTitle The Project of Decision Support in Response to UNFCCC
EngAbstract This project helped EPA to organize the NGO delegations for attending the relative meetings of UNFCCC, analyze the trends of the development, draw up the respond policy of Taiwan, strengthen the channels for joining the international activities about addressing climate change and disseminate the information about addressing climate change. It completed all tasks and had many solid achievements.1.Establish the channels of the international activities about UNFCCCThis project team discussed the key issues, such as national communication, greenhouse gas inventory, CDM and its operation system, emission trading with UNFCCC secretary, more 10 countries and organizations and kept contact with them. It also request Dr. Romero, who are the delegation of Switzerland and in behalf of the preparation guideline of national community for non-Annex 1 parties, to review Taiwan’s national community.2.Propose the national system for GHG inventoryAccording the UNFCCC official document, FCCC/SBSTA/2000/5, and the experiments of assessing Taiwan’s GHG inventory, this project propose the national system for GHG inventory, including the management and update of GHG inventory, expert review, certification, national review and adoption.3.Chose the indicator for the international negotiationThis project compares six international GHG indicators, such as emission per capita, emission per GDP, emission per GDP PPP, emission per unit primary energy command and energy productivity. For the indicator, emission per GDP PPP, Taiwan ranks 79 in the worldwide. It could show the characteristic of a new industrial country like Taiwan and the achievement on saving energy and be good for Taiwan’s future negotiation.4.Assess the potential on LULUCF for TaiwanThis project analyzes the LULUCF modalities on the Marrekesh Accord. According the GHG inventory of Taiwan and the modalities, the carbon sink of LUCF is 8%~12% of total GHG emissions and has good potential for Taiwan.5. Dissemin
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院