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Title 鼓勵購買低污染車輛補助審查專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據合約項目執行各項工作,茲就本年度之執行成果摘要說明如下:1.已受理及審核電動機車補助申請案件並執行撥款作業共計1,640件、已受理及審核電動輔助自行車補助申請案件並執行撥款作業共計3,419件、已受理及審核低污染噴射引擎機車補助申請案件並執行撥款作業共計847件。2.已完成相關受理案件資料之資料庫建檔,並定期向環保署提送月報表。3.已辦理完成1場「電動機車及電動輔助自行車審查及撥款說明會」、6場「低污染噴射引擎機車審查及撥款說明會」及1場「低污染噴射引擎機車發表會及試騎活動」及協助辦理1場「機車排氣定檢站全國表揚大會及移動污染源管制成果展示活動」。4.已建置完成「低污染車輛補助資訊網(」,並進行維護管理及更新。5.已設置二線專用電話,電話號碼為02-27495140及02-27495149,由專人進行接聽及記錄。6.配合及協助環保署於民國91年6月28日及10月22日進行電動機車及電動自行車新車抽驗。7.寄發電動機車問卷調查表13,119份及電動輔助自行車問卷調查表2,380份,電動機車問卷回收率23.7%、電動輔助自行車問卷回收率24.6%。8.根據各電動機車製造廠所提供之維修保養記錄、電動機車問卷回收統計及電話調查等資料進行統計,電動機車保有數量約13,575輛。9.本計畫於民國91年8月16日及12月18日召開「電動機車購買民眾後續照顧方案擬訂/研商會議」,已擬定完成後續維護方案,環保署擬以專案委託之方式辦理,並已初步完成計畫內容。10.已於民國91年4月30日完成故障通報專線及專用停車格公告,並定期於每個月於各充電站進行檢測維護。11.完成低污染噴射引擎機車污染減量評估及補助成效之檢討,經評估結果,平均每補助一輛低污染噴射引擎機車平均CO及HC+NOX之減少量為2.53 g/km及2.64 g/km;若以每輛機車平均一年行駛4,000公里計算,每輛低污染噴射引擎機車每年之污染減量為CO 10,131.75 g及HC+NOX 10,552.32 g。
EngTitle Project on the inspection of the subsidy to encourage purchase of low-emission vehicle
EngAbstract This project has performed various tasks as specified in the contract. The project summary is as follows:1.Completion of review and approval of three types of subsidy applications for 1,640 electrical motorcycles, 3,419 electrical bicycles and 847 low-emission jet engine motorcycles.2.Completion of filing the database on subsidy application cases and submittal of monthly reports to the Environmental Protection Administration on regular basis.3.Completion of one presentation meeting on 「Review and approval of subsidy application for the electrical motorcycle and the electrical bicycle」, six presentation meetings on 「low-emission jet engine motorcycles」, one demonstration test ride on 「Low-emission jet engine motorcycles」 and one demonstration on 「National award on the excellent performance of motorcycle emission checkpoints and exhibition on results of the mobile pollution source control」4.Establishment of one website ( on「Low-emission vehicle information」 with regular maintenance and update.5.Two dedicated telephone lines were installed and operated by trained operators for assistance on subsidy application, the phone numbers are 02-27495140 and 02-27495149.6.Assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in spot-checking new electrical motorcycles and electrical bicycles on June 28 and October 22 in year 91.7.Posted 13,119 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical motorcycles and 2,380 copies of questionnaires to the owners of electrical bicycles with return rates of 23.7% and 24.6%, respectively.8.According to the statistical analysis on the maintenance records supplied by the electrical motorcycle manufacturers, the result of electrical motorcycle surveys by questionnaires and phone calls, there are 13,575 electrical motorcycles on the road.9.Completion of preliminary planning on「After-sale maintenance services for electrical motorcycles」based on the meetings held
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司