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Title 煉鋼業戴奧辛污染減量控制技術建置專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫係以學界專業知識建立產業界與政府機關之間協調、溝通、合作的橋樑,組團赴日本與奧地利進行實場考察,瞭解煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛技術發展之現況,進行規劃、設計並建造一實驗模廠,研擬模廠實驗內容及目的,期尋求設計參數及最適化操作條件。此外,並協助鋼鐵公會成立自主管理專案小組,進行電弧爐戴奧辛排放改善工作,定期召開會議檢討成效;規劃辦理戴奧辛污染防制技術國際交流講習會,針對鋼鐵業模廠實驗、國內業者面臨問題以及污染防制相關法令進行交流。未來宜建立戴奧辛採樣 / 監測方法、定期申報檢驗資料;加強辦理煉鋼作業操作管理與人員訓練、進行電弧爐戴奧辛排放係數推估、電弧爐戴奧辛生成 / 破壞機制研究、模廠實驗系統發包、建造、實驗規劃及操作;另進行PCB排放量推估,檢討污染源排放量、戴奧辛減量目標與探討管制標準的合理性。
EngTitle Project of Dioxin Pollution Reduction and Control Technology of EAF
EngAbstract The objective of this research work is intended to develop the mechanism for strengthening the communication, coordination and cooperation among industry, academic and government sectors. Technical visit to Japan and Australia is to understand the current progress and state-of-art technology and management programs for controlling the Dioxin emissions from the electric arc furnace(EAF)in the course of this investigation. A pilot plant study was planned to develop the design criteria and/or operation guideline for future construction projects. In addition, a volunteer group was organized to generate the self-auditing system to check the performance made by the steel-mill industry. The international workshop on Dioxin Control Technology and Management was also organized to provide the opportunity for gathering or exchanging the information among the foreign delegation and local expert.The sampling and monitoring methods for Dioxins Determination from the air emissions of electric-arc-furnaces could be developed in the future. Further training programs to upgrade the performance made by the operators should be performed. The emission factors of formation/destruction mechanisms and pilot plant studies are the important research in need of being achieved. The inventory data or emissions of PCB and Dioxins are regularly used to assess the suitability of the current emission.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學