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Title 中國大陸沙塵暴對台灣居民健康之影響計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對中國大陸沙塵暴空氣污染對台灣居民之健康影響所進行一年半(90.11.2-91.12.31)之研究建制和研究執行計畫做詳細之說明,於上年度計畫期間內(90.11.2-91.2.28)經由人力訓練整合、儀器設備之建制及本土性研究之開展,為環保署建立中國大陸沙塵暴對台灣居民健康影響相關之風險評估工作之疾病監控系統,並在今年度前半年內(91.3.1-91.5.31)藉由此項健康風險評估工作的推展,協助環保署對於北部空氣品質流通區內之中國大陸沙塵暴空氣污染物的污染源與受體之間關係的瞭解。本計畫在上年度在急診監測網方面,完成1995/1/1~2001/10/31台大醫院和新光醫院有關心、肺和眼方面疾病每天的急診人數,和環保署提供環保署空氣品質在臺北市五個大氣監測站之污染物與天氣的逐時監測資料。經過統計分析後在過去沙塵暴來襲且PM10日平均濃度大於150μg/m3的事件日中,通常在事件發生後的第三、四天後會看到心肺疾病急診人數有明顯的增加。在易感受族群患者監測網方面,我們總共收了52位冠狀動脈心臟病病患、50位具冠狀動脈心臟病危險因素病患以及100位氣喘患童的基本資料,作為今年度沙塵暴來臨之前、中、後變化的參考。本計畫今年度執行結論有二:(一)收集並以統計模型來看2002年一月到五月間八波沙塵暴對台大醫院、新光醫院急診病患人數之影響,由於今年度1-5月沙塵帶來的懸浮微粒濃度平均雖然不高,但仍有幾次事件影響心肺疾病之急診人數的增加;其中以含輕微呼吸道疾病影響的次數最多,而對心臟疾病的影響較弱。年齡層方面則以0-6歲呼吸道疾病受到的影響最大且影響時間稍微延長,而通常在沙塵來臨之後一~三天的急診人數容易有增加的情形。(二)取得20位冠狀動脈心臟病病患和10位具冠狀動脈心臟病危險因素病患,在2002三月、四月四波沙塵暴事件之中進行沙塵來襲前後測資料比較,結果顯示沙塵來襲後凝血因素tpA顯著上升,而發炎指標hs-CRP則有上升的趨勢,二十四小時心電圖監測儀檢查的結果發現心跳速率變異性有下降的趨勢。
EngTitle The Health Effects of Chinese Sand Strom in Taiwan
EngAbstract Backgrounds. The China Sandstorm has increasingly influenced the air quality of Taiwan in recent years. The concentrations of both coarse (PM10) and fine (PM2.5) particles were particularly increased in northern Taiwan during the past China Sand Storm periods. The potential health impact of the sand storm was much worried by the people and the authorities but was not investigated before. Objectives. To estimate adverse health effects caused by the China Sandstorms in 2002.Methods. We use emergency room visits due to respiratory (ICD9: 493, 496, 486, 460-465, 466, 472-473, 477) and cardiac diseases (ICD9: 410, 411, 414, 430-437) and lagged Poisson models to evaluate the health impact of during the 2002 China Sandstorm. The emergency room visits data are from two medical centers in Taipei, National Taiwan University Hospital and Shin Kong Memorial Hospital. We also use panels of susceptible populations to investigate the mechanisms of pollution effects caused by the China Sandstorm. The panels consist of 100 and 100 asthmatic children in National Taiwan University Hospital.Results. The emergency room visits due to respiratory and cardiac diseases increase during the 2002 the China Sandstorm. For respiratory diseases, the effects are more significant for children aged 0-6 with mild upper-respiratory illness (ICD9: 460-465, 466, 472-473, 477) with 1-3 day lags. The panel of cardiac patients shows significant increases in the coagulator factor of tPA and inflammatory marker of hs-CRP and decreases in heart rate variability (HRV) during the China Sandstorm period.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學公共衛生學院 職業醫學與工業衛生研究所