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Title 加強環境清潔維護考核作業規劃執行計畫
Abstract 建立環境衛生考評項目、考評標準及考核方式等相關作業程序及標準,加強推動地方環保機關進行全面環境清潔維護,藉由推動環境清潔以落實消除髒亂,確保環境整潔,提升國民生活環境品質,提昇國際形象。完成各縣市環境衛生考核作業規劃及建置研擬,以協助地方環保單位加強執行加強取締污染、全面消除髒亂、執行清溝淨灘、鼓勵舉發污染、推廣環境綠化美化、擴大教育宣導六工作要項。藉由進行定期及不定期實地檢查及民眾滿意度調查工作,督導直轄市、縣(市)環保局執行環境清潔工作績效,並將所見缺失作成紀錄,以要求主管單位清除整理,並追蹤其執行情形。發動全民參與,加強全面推動,以落實消除髒亂工作。
EngTitle Planning and Implementation of Performance Audit on Reinforcing the Maintenance on Environmental Cleanliness
EngAbstract Tasks accomplished during the working period include setting up audit procedures and standards such as criterions for environmental hygiene inspection, bench marks of environmental hygiene and the method of approach during inspection to promote and reinforce local authorities in achieving and maintaining overall cleanliness so as to eliminate illegal dumping, littering, improve living quality and boost international image.Completion of drafting and planning of environmental hygiene inspection for all counties and cities to assist local environmental authorities in accomplishing the six major tasks namely heighten pollution clampdown, environmental pollution elimination, drainage and beach clearance, encourage pollution report, “greener and more desirable environment” promotion and educational campaign enhancement. Both regular and random on-site inspections and public satisfaction poll were carried out to evaluate the performance of the local Environmental Protection Bureaus in implementing environmental cleanliness. Records are done on areas that require improvement to assist authorities in tracking down the latest implementation developments. Public participation and intensifying campaign promotion are essential in achieving the ultimate goal of environmental pollution elimination.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 衛適密廢物減量科技有限公司