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Title 一般廢棄物(垃圾)採樣及檢測分析技術之訂定
Abstract 本報告主要係探討國內73年研訂並採用至今的「垃圾採樣方析手冊」,與現行執行方法之差異性,並且搜集美國、日本等主要國家之一般廢棄物採樣及分析方法,分析其延用於國內之適用性,藉以修訂新的垃圾採樣方法及分析方法。在垃圾採樣方法部分,主要包含兩部分。其一為一般廢棄物採樣方法。本方法之研訂除分析原作業手冊之缺失外,並以統計學原理分析探討國內執行現況,對於實務執行可能產生的差異如細步作業程序、分類方法、合理採樣數計算等,均參考國外現行法令予明訂。另一項為焚化飛灰、底渣及固化物採樣方法。本方法屬新訂定之規範,在國外針對焚化飛灰及底渣採樣的法令規訂亦不多,大部分與國內現行「事業廢棄物採樣方法」相同,屬總則式通用規範。本方法訂定時,其採樣細步規範主要參考美國明尼蘇達州(Minnesota) 2001年12月新訂的7035.2910法案。本報告附冊一為採樣方法手冊,其內容除包含採樣方法內文外,對於實際執行採樣時可能遇到的問題、表單、可行替代方案等,均參考歷年實際採樣單位之經驗及本計畫實際試行之結果,詳訂執行細則。本作業手冊將可直接提供採樣人員教育訓練及作業實務參考。在檢測方法研(修)訂部分,本計畫訂定或修正一般廢棄物(垃圾)檢測項目及方法之原則為:評估檢討「垃圾採樣分析手冊」之採樣與檢測項目方法,並參酌國美國ASTM及日本JIS的方法,比較二者較接近國內現行法,再以這些接近現行法為訂定基礎,參考相關資料加以補充,最後進行驗證,研訂「一般廢棄物(垃圾)檢測分析方法」。「一般廢棄物(垃圾)檢測分析方法」內含總則及各項檢測項目及方法,垃圾樣品之取得須依「一般廢棄物(垃圾)採樣方法」分類、保存運送回實驗室進行樣品前處理,垃圾樣品檢測項目有:單位容積重、總水分、熱值、三成分(水分、灰分、可燃分)及元素分析等。飛灰、底渣及固化物需進行水分、pH、毒性溶出試驗等項目;飛灰、底渣建議需進行灼燒減量分析。本計畫於執行期間舉辦全省四場研討會及一場研習會,廣集學者、地方環保單位及代檢驗業界多方意見,相互交流使期方法訂定涵蓋實務及經濟等層面;安排講師解說、多媒體教學、實驗室及現地示範教學觀摩等內容之研習課程,達成學員對一般廢棄物(垃圾)採樣及檢測方法瞭解之目標。
EngTitle The Handbook of General Waste the sampling and analysis
EngAbstract The purpose of this proposal is to do the research for ‘The Handbook of General Waste Sampling” that sdopted since 1984 in Taiwan and the difference of sampling methods between the handbook and the practical execution. Also, the sampling and analysis methods of the general solid waste announced in USA and Japan will be examined to provide the application reference for revising ‘The Handbook of General Waste Sampling”.There are two parts of general waste sampling methods in this proposal. The first one is about general solid waste. The second one is about the fly-ash, bottom residue and solification substance. In the first part, the deficiency and incompletion of ‘The Handbook of General Waste Sampling” will be added and corrected according to the stastic results of investigation of the practical execution in Taiwan and the criteria announced in USA and Japan such as the sampling method requirement abd the procedure guidance of project execution. In the second part, the general standard of sampling methods in Taiwan are similar to the standards adopted in USA. Therefore, the code 7035.2910 (December, 2001) of Minnesota, USA is the important reference to set the detail specifications of sampling methods in this proposal.The appendix A of this proposal is as the operation menu of sampling that includes the standard sampling methods and the execution specifications. The execution specifications are set after solving the execution problem, revising the data sheet of sampling and selection of alternative based on the execution experience of the sampling units and the results of this project. Therefore, the operation menu presented in this proposal could be used in sampling methods training and practical operation.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 環檢所