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Title 淘汰堪用高污染老舊汽機車補助審查專案工作計畫
Abstract 由於老舊車輛污染嚴重,數量雖僅佔總車輛數約三分之一,然其污染排放量卻佔總污染排放量三分之二。故淘汰老舊車輛最具空氣污染減量成本效益。環保署為鼓勵加速污染程度較高之老舊汽油引擎汽車、機器腳踏車及營業柴油大客貨車車輛淘汰,對使用中堪用之老舊車輛,於90年度提供補助經費以提高車主加速淘汰之意願。環保署對九十年度淘汰堪用汽機車補助計畫,依九十一年度三月份統計,對下述情況;已領補助款之支(匯)票但尚未兌現或補助款無法完成寄達者(約2,000筆)申請件已收件經審查通知補正,尚未寄回者(1,291筆)車輛已回收,但申請件尚未提出申請審查者(約2,000筆)為確保車主之補助款能確實領取並兌現以及申請件能完成審查撥款工作,執行本工作
EngTitle project that investigate application documents for subsidizing eliminating old and on-road car of gasoline engine and motorcycle,and allocate subsidy
EngAbstract Old and on-road vehicles exhaust emission pollution are very heavy. Old and on-road vehicle quantities although are about one over three of registered motor vehicles in Taiwan, but exhaust emission pollution quantities are about two over three of registered motor vehicles exhaust emission pollution quantities in Taiwan. To eliminate old and on-road vehicles is the best efficiently method for reducing air pollution. EPA provides subsidy to encourage high exhaust emission pollutioned old and on-road car of gasoline engine、motorcycle、business bus and truck for speeding up eliminating early.As to the applications of subsidizing eliminating old and on-road car of gasoline engine and motorcycle in 2001 years,there are five objectives below, epa authorized itri to carry out:1.cashless subsidiary checks or bills remitted to applicants, apprise owner to cash it. 2.subsidiary checks or bills unable to remit to applicants, reremit it by the household register address.3.for the investigated and returned back application documents unremitted back to itri, apprise applicants to remit it back to epa for reinvestigating. or motorcycles collected by epa, but unoffer the application documents for subsidiary investigating, winnow the qualifier and apprise them to bring the application documents back to epa for investigating. 5.investigate and allocate subsidy.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工研院機械所