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Title 廢容器(含農藥廢容器及乾電池)回收清除處理費費率研究及監督系統維護計畫
Abstract 廢容器及乾電池回收施行至今,引發諸多問題,其中尤以部分廢容器資源回收基金收支不平衡現象倍受爭議。為了解廢容器回收所引發的問題,本計畫旨在建立資源回收處理成本模式以及透過容器使用業者及廢容器處理業者的相關調查估計各種容器材質的使用量及二次料價格,並據以估算民國九十三年的回收清除處理費費率,做為費率委員會回收清除處理費費率修訂的參考。利用本計畫建立的成本模式,可透過成本變動因子(含相關的價格指數與利率)的變動來估計回收處理成本,減少市場成本調查的支出,並能反應實際支援回收市場的成本變動。
EngTitle A Study of Recycling Rate for Waste Packaging Containers and Maintenance of Monitor System
EngAbstract To solve the problems due to recycling waste packaging containers , this project aims to calculate recycling rates of waste packaging containers and waste batteries based on the estimated recycling cost model and related survey. The calculated recycling rates of waste packaging containers and batteries could provide helpful information for EPA Fee Rate Review Committee to amend the recycling rates. Moreover, the estimated recycling cost model could be used to estimate recycling cost via various changing price indices and interest rate.Finally, the study results of this project will be used to update and maintain the monitor system of recycling waste packaging containers and batteries. The system linked with cost model can simulate recycling rates for each possible scenario.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立台北大學統計系