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Title 環境水質監測評核計畫
Abstract 環境水體水質監測目的除建立基本歷史數據與提供水質資訊予國民外,亦作為水污染防治之重要參考依據。本計畫旨在協助環境水質監測結果之評核,並彙整監測結果編纂水質年報,此外,亦協助水體水質網站之美化與維護。水質監測評核的目的在篩檢原始監測數據之可能異常值,以確保監測結果之正確性,就此,本年度完成環境水質監測數據評核作業標準流程與執行手冊,每月每季之水質監測數據必須先經此評核作業流程確認監測分析數據之正確合理性後,始得進行後續相關統計分析及彙編水質季報,再納入資料庫並予公布。評核作業程序之建立對於水質監測作業有其重大之效益。在水質年報編纂方面,經參考國內85年水質年報與先進國家水質年報之內容與格式,水質年報的內容以展現法規面的合格率與達成率和水體水質之空間與時間變異度,其內容除供一般國民之參考資訊外,亦提供水體污染防治工作之重要參考依據。年報共分成河川、水庫湖泊、地下水與海域四大類,共計531頁,年報附錄亦將年報中各項法規標準與水質參數如河川污染指標、河川污染長度與統計分析等計算方法詳述之,俾利日後年報之編纂與各項指標等得以標準化及有所依循。水質監測資料網站工作定期每月彙整三區水質資料共計有980筆,協助署內定期完成水質評核、確認及公佈工作,另外亦統一各項水體水質資料交換電子檔格式,一方面降低監測數據傳輸、轉換及評核錯誤之機率,一方面減少各單位資料格式轉換之工作負擔。在網頁美化、相關網頁製作部分,整理參考國內外相關資料後建置整體規劃,本年度已完成水庫(湖泊)及休憩海域次系統之更新建置,各次系統功能除保留「水質原始數據資料查詢」功能外,新增「各類水體最新水質指標查詢」功能;另外亦新增「年報及水質資料下載」、「水質指標計算說明」、「水質分析方法查詢(連結至環檢所網頁)」等功能,以豐富網頁內容及其應用度。環境水體水質資料庫由於歷年來業務分配方式、需求考量與背景差異等不同,而衍生使用上的不方便性,建議未來資料庫需配合網頁功能、使用需求及監測業務現況調整各資料表格欄位,再配合水保處補齊、更正基本資料表格、參考資料表格之資料;另外,建議於資料庫伺服器端新增資料分級及自動檢核功能,同時開發網頁介面之監測資料上傳系統,簡化目前資料上傳檢核流程。河川水體水質之變異度受水體流量影響頗鉅,是故河川污染之改善程度較不適用每月每季水質監測結果予以比較,建議應結合流量資料,建立在同一基準流量下的水質指標。至於水體污染的改善評量則可考量參照英國作法,每5年在同一時期,具相等似水文狀況的條件下來評估水體水質之改善程度;是故下一年度擬選擇幾條主要河川進行水質與流量之相關探討,並探討水體分類水質統計機率分布。在水庫湖泊方面,亦將彙整水庫管理單位之水質監測結果。此外,亦建議考量規劃河川底泥採樣分析、中下游河段增加抗生素與難分解合成有機物分析,俾逐步健全環境水體污染分佈資訊。
EngTitle Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Data
EngAbstract The importance of water quality data needs not to be overemphasized. The effort to ensure clear and correct data is the most important task in water quality field. The main objective of this project is to evaluate and validate the water quality data monitored by three independent firms for Taiwan’s three watersheds. Additionally, the team is charged to prepare the annual water quality report and, to some extent, to assist Taiwan EPA’s upgrading and maintenance of the web site for water bodies and water quality in Taiwan ( key objective in evaluating water quality data is to identify the abnormal data as well as to verify the accuracy of the data. One needs to know whether the abnormal data should be discarded or they truly represent the actual conditions. Standard operating procedures have been prepared to achieve this goal. The major task is to ensure that strict QA/QC procedures and protocols are followed by monitoring companies for their water quality data with respect to their planning, sampling, testing, calculation, and reporting. All monthly and seasonal data that meet the above criteria are used for subsequent seasonal report and then incorporated into the data bank for eventual public dissemination. The annual water quality report, in reference of 1996 Water Quality Report as well as those reports of developed countries, emphasizes the extent of water quality that fail to meet the regulatory standards. The spatial and temporal data distribution serves not only public interest, but also as a tool for water quality pollution control strategy. The annual report (551 pp) includes the four major water bodies: streams, reservoirs, groundwater, and coastal areas.The validated monthly data from three watersheds are transformed to electronic files to facilitate the entry into the web site. For site upgrading including user friendly and expanding the content, the additional features incorporated include
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學環境工程學研究所