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Title 九十一年度回收清除處理機構輔導暨系統維護更新計畫
Abstract 為使資源回收制度順利進行,基管會於八十八年起即建立資源回收資訊系統,以協助進行回收資訊的統計以及公佈,並期望能藉此提升人員之行政效率。新年度由於廢棄物清理法修正,相關辦法陸續公告,因此不管是回收制度以及系統功能都需要進行大幅度的修改,本工作團隊在九十一年三月起接受基管會委託執行本計畫。根據前述,本計畫之主要工作項目共計有下列幾項:一、資源回收機構及處理機構管理輔導二、資源回收機構及處理機構管理系統更新維護三、稽核認證作業管理系統更新維護四、縣市資源回收及查核作業系統更新維護五、回收點管理系統更新維護六、差異分析以及成果展現系統建置七、資料建檔維護八、說明會之舉辦總括言之,而由於新法公告在即,為使法規公告前所有相對應之表單都能同時完成,因此在91年6月前完成地方登記以及受補貼資格的申請表單和審查流程製作,另外也協助進行26件資源化工廠/處理機構之申請資料書面審查工作以及19場次的現場審查作業;另由於基管會職務變動的關係,設施標準之審查作業由物品以及容器組負責,因此本團隊則負責協助進行登記作業的資料輸入工作,以及受補貼機構申請資料之書審作業(109件)。另一方面資源回收管理系統因應本年度制度的更動,將系統做大幅度之改寫,共計異動程式447支,並將系統主網頁重新更換,使系統操作能更加簡易,且加強了人員密碼管控功能以增加整體系統及資料庫之安全性。
EngTitle The 2002 recycling system operation support, maintenance and update project
EngAbstract In order to administer the recycling system, the EPA’s Recycling Management Fund (RMF) has developed a recycling information system in 1999 to increase the administrative efficiency and provide statistics and announcement to the public. Since the Waste Disposal Act (WDA) has been amended, the purpose of the project is to make all necessary changes to the recycling system and information update. In compliance with the amendment, new forms and processes for the reimbursement qualification application have been re-designed and announced by June 2002. Since then, 26 resource recovery/treatment plants’ applications have been reviewed with 19 field inspections made. Besides, the project team also helped with the review data input (of 2 cases) and reimbursement data review (of 109 cases). The RMF has made tremendous revision to the information system with 447 programs changed. The system has been modified for easier operation and better security.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社