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Title 九十一年度一般廢棄物回收清除處理稽核認證公正團體(廢電子電器物品類)
Abstract 依據環保署公告之一般廢棄物回收清除處理稽核認證作業要點及廢電子電器物品類稽核認證作業手冊,執行該類物品回收量、處理量之稽核認證工作及可支持認證所需之查核工作。
EngTitle The Supervising Teams for the recycling of Electric & Electronic Appliance Wastes
EngAbstract On July 5, 1997, Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwanpublicized the recycling of electric & electronic appliance wastesthat include four items, namely, television, refrigerator, washingmachine, and air conditioner.To encourage the recycling of discarded electric & electronicappliance wastes, the EPA on December 15, 1999 announced theprinciple for approving treatment applications. Firms applying forsubsidies to recycle electric & electronic appliance wastes need tofollow these principles.According to the EPA's announcement, discarded appliance which fallunder the scope of these principles include television sets, washingmachines, refrigerators, and air conditioners. When applying forsubsidies, interested firms must submit proof first that they havethe capacity to process televisions and refrigerators and musteither—1. be a certified public or private electric & electronicappliance wastes treatment organization2. be a permitted resource recovery factory for discarded electric& electronic appliance wastes, or3. conform with other EPA approval methods.The objectives of the project i n this report is to help EPA in revisingthe supervising statute of this system and assessing these subsidyteams to ensure the effectiveness and fairness of this subsidingsystem.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司