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Title 土壤污染管制標準規定之探討
Abstract 本計畫之主要目的包括探討現行土壤污染管制標準及監測基準之合宜性,土壤污染物濃度及其地上食用作物濃度間之關聯性,針對不同用途別之土地擬定不同管制標準之可行性,與高速公路兩旁鉛污染之探討。研究建議修訂農地土壤中重金屬全量的管制濃度為鎘全量降低至4 mg/kg,銅全量修訂為600 mg/kg,鋅全量修訂為800 mg/kg,鉛全量修訂為1000 mg/kg,其他元素之污染管制濃度維持不變。建議修訂非農地土壤中重金屬全量的管制濃度為銅全量1000 mg/kg。本研究建議研擬三種土壤生物有效性濃度之萃取法(0.1M HCl,0.01M EDTA,與0.005M DTPA),亦提供萃取之土壤污染管制濃度供參考。研擬住宅區及公園區土壤重金屬的管制標準比農地土壤鬆,工商業區土壤重金屬之管制標準亦比住宅及公園區土壤鬆。若為混處的地區,原則上管制標準採用兩者中較為嚴格的標準。在高速公路兩旁土壤中鉛的污染距離均在3~30公尺以內,且在表層30公分以內,估計國道一號高速公路兩旁被鉛污染的土壤重量至少45萬噸。提出建議包括:依法向污染行為人求償農民因農作物減產所造成之農作損失,(2)建議農政衛生單位宜儘速建立農地土壤生物有效性毒害濃度管制值,作為行政系統執行監測土壤及農作物之品質之依據;(3)建議針對省道兩旁之農地土壤與作物作監測或調查。
EngTitle The Investigation of Regulation of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils
EngAbstract The objectives of this project are (1) to revise the regulation of heavy metals in contaminated soils or in monitoring system, (2) to establish the relationships between metal concentration in soil and metals uptake in the food crop, (3) to propose a regulation of heavy metals in contaminated soils for different land uses, and (4) to study the status of lead accumulation along the super freeway in Taiwan. After collecting the databases and references and making the analysis, we recommend that the regulation of total contents of heavy metals in Taiwan rural soils should be revised as Cd 4 mg/kg, Cu 600 mg/kg, Zn 800 mg/kg, and Pb 1000 mg/kg. The other elements are proposed not to be changed. For non-rural soils in Taiwan, the total Cu concentration should be revised as 1000 mg/kg. We also propose three chemical extraction methods including 0.1M HCl, 0.01M EDTA, and 0.005M DTPA to identify the bioavailability of heavy metals in contaminated soils. The regulation of bioavailable concentration of contaminated soils is also proposed. We propose that the regulation of the concentration of heavy metals in resident and park region should be higher than those of rural soils region, and the concentration of heavy metals in soils of industrial and commercial region should be higher than those of soils of resident and park region. Lead is almost distributed in the 30 cm soil depth around 3 to 30 meters along Taiwan No. 1 Super Freeway. Until now, the total deposition of lead is estimated as more than 450,000 tons. Some recommendations are proposed that the government agencies should (1) request the compensation to the farmers paid from the soil contamination producer, (2) establish the regulation of bioavailability of heavy metals in the contaminated soils for monitoring the soil and crop quality, and (3) make a detail survey on the heavy metals in the rural soils along the main roads of Taiwan.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學農業化學系