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Title 九十一年度固定污染源稽查及空污費管制計畫
Abstract 為了有效管理及掌握固定空氣污染源排放狀況並改善日趨惡化之環境空氣品質,環保署亦於民國80年起執行「建立固定空氣污染源設置、變更及操作許可制度執行計畫」,著手進行臺灣地區許可制度的建立及推動。
EngTitle none
EngAbstract In order to effectively manage and control the changeless origin of pollution and to improve the quality of air, the Environmental Protection Administration implemented a project and its name is “Establish a system of how to establish、how to change and how to operate the changeless origin of pollution”. The purpose of this project is to establish and to push the permission system in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 彰化縣環境保護局