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Title 畜牧廢水污染防治措施提升計畫
Abstract 現行養豬業放流水標準最大限值為,化學需氧量(COD) 250 mg/L、懸浮固體(SS) 150 mg/L及生化需氧量(BOD) 80 mg/L。本計畫為使法規標準合理可行,達到管制執行的目的,以行政院農業委員會輔導改善養豬廢水處理設施計畫( 91年度)及環保署補助台南縣政府執行示範改善計畫(91年度)之養豬戶為對象共30場,設置功能足夠之畜牧廢水處理設施,並以其正常操作下之水質檢驗及功能評估結果,作為檢討合理的放流水標準之參考依據。本次檢討養豬業放流水標準,就廢水處理功能設計而言,選擇以符合行政院農業委員會輔導設置之固液分離、厭氧醱酵處理、好氧生物處理三段式廢水處理設施作為調查評估對象。採集30場次畜牧場正沖洗豬舍時之新鮮原廢水,分析得出現機率50%之CODt-P50為8,588 mg/L、BOD5-P50為3,849 mg/L及SS-P50為6,000 mg/L。趁糞便未沖散前撿糞或立即分離,才可減少固體物COD進入廢水處理系統,降低廢水處理系統之處理負荷。第一次現勘30場最終放流水水質,50%出現機率之水質為COD 486 mg/L,BOD5為81 mg/L,及SS為114 mg/L。第一次現勘,豬糞尿廢水產生懸浮固體量4,780 mg/L偏高,雖經固液分離設施可去除43%,仍殘留SS為2,720 mg/L。而厭氧生物程序,亦承受較重的懸浮固體及返送有機污染物之容積負荷量(5 kgSS/m3-day及3 kgCOD/m3-day)以上。後續喜氣活性污泥程序之大多數畜牧廢水處理場皆無污泥沉澱濃縮槽及沉泥返送迴流到曝氣槽之迴流系統,無法提高好氧生物濃度(MLVSS)高於1500 mg/L以上,以致活性污泥曝氣槽之容積負荷量雖調節至0.5 kgCOD/m3-day,其進流有機物之食微比仍居高,大於0.3 kgCOD/kgVSS-day,好氧生物分解效率難以提昇。經設施補助後,第二次現勘30場,50%出現機率之放流水水質為COD 575 mg/L,BOD5 110 mg/L,及SS 115 mg/L。係以正常操作廢水處理設施為前題,有13家係為較正常操作之廢水處理設施之畜牧業。此13場畜牧業,50%出現機率之水質為COD 440 mg/L,BOD5 105 mg/L,及SS 77 mg/L ,略有改善。由連續三日三場現場觀測之水質量測結果顯示:採行源頭撿糞者,可減少溶在水中豬糞尿的量,使原廢水有機污染物濃度降低,對廢水處理系統之處理負荷減少,使得廢水處理程序可穩定操作,放流水COD能低於250 mg/L;亦可減少機械設備維修費。就30場調查評估結果,一般養豬場活性污泥槽之溶氧,普遍低於0.5 mg/L,未提供足夠溶氧以進行生物分解;且分析正常操作廢水處理設施之13場,食微比F/M達0.23 kgCOD/kgVSS-day ,曝氣槽體積負荷量高達0.86 kgCOD/m3-day,負荷尚高;又生物易分解率BOD5/CODt-P50僅為0.17,而喜氣性微生物易分解溶解性CODs,結果放流水之BOD5/CODs-P50 高達0.39,顯示放流水中有機物仍有易受喜氣微生物分解之部份。故建議BOD宜維持現行管制標準以其微生物處理程序之功能。依調查統計資料顯示,30家輔導場在第二次現勘,放流水懸浮固體50%出現機率為115 mg/L。趨正常操作廢水處理設施之13家,其50%出現機率之放流水懸浮固體為 77 mg/L,為符合放流水標準;且廢水中懸浮固體之去除,係屬於物理處理,為較易去除之污染物,若SS濃度過高,則增設浮渣擋板,即能避免浮渣經溢流堰進入放流槽。COD之處理,困難在於微生物對溶解性COD之有效分解,而生物處理技術為一般養豬戶的困擾所在。且依統計資料顯示,三段式廢水處理設施在一般操作下50%出現機率之放流水COD為575 mg/L,正常操作廢水處理設施下COD50%出現機率為440 mg/L,建議COD標準調整於400-600 mg/L範圍內。又考量BOD及SS並非具處理技術困難度,且正常操作廢水處理設施情形下即能達成,及考量水體之污染承受力與自淨能力,建議維持現行管制標準。
EngTitle Upgrading study on Pollution Control Measurement of Live-stocking Wastewater Treatment
EngAbstract The regulatory effluent standards of live-stocking wastewater have the following maximum limits : COD<250mg/L, SS<150 mg/L and BOD<80mg/L. That were announced in 1991.With regards to realistic capability of the wastewater treatment facilities existed in most of the pig-house, the COD effluent standard was readjusted to the limit of 400mg/L in 1998. In order to upgrade the process performance of the live-stocking wastewater treatment plant, the Agriculture Council and Environmental Protection Administration provided the financial support to the pig-house farmers for upgrading the treatment facilities in 2002. From a large number of the supported pig-house farms, this study selected 30 plants with different scales of wastewater treatment plant in different locations in Taiwan. Most of them have a typical three-stage treatment process to eliminate the pollutants in the live-stocking wastewater i.e. the first stage of mechanical screening unit for manure solid separation, the second stage of an aerobic digester for organic waste fermentation, and the third stage of aerobic activated sludge unit for polishing biodegradation of organic pollutants. During two investigation periods in this winter season, the statistic data of these 30 plants show the pollutant concentrations appeared with 50% of probability as the following: CODt-P50 : 8,588 mg/L ,the soluble BOD-P50 : 3,849 mg/L, and SS-P50 : 6,000 mg/L are investigated in the raw wastewater tanks of pig-house. The clarified effluent concentrations were investigated with 50% of probability as the following: COD : 486 mg/L, BOD : 81 mg/L, and SS : 114 mg/L in first survey; then, COD : 575 mg/L, BOD : 110 mg/L, and SS : 115 mg/L in the second survey.With industrious picking work of soil-manure. Separating from the raw wastewater, the final effluent could reach good quality of COD less than 250 mg/L. Therefore, the COD concentration of effluent standard is suggested to be readjusted to the more reasonable range within 400~600 mg/L according to the existed process performance of the live-stocking wastewater treatme
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會