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Title 工業區污水下水道系統管理計畫
Abstract 檢討修正工業區污水下水道系統之管理制度,研修污水下水道系統水污染防治相關法規,包括水污染防治法施行細則、事業水污染防治措施管理辦法、許可申請相關辦法、檢測申報管理辦法等,並進行相關表單之訂定,以做為相關許可申請之配套;編製各項許可申請審理業務之作業指南及開發檢測申報審查系統,提供地方環保單位審理相關許可之參考,減少審查作業時間與人力,因應電子化的趨勢,建置 貴署網路化之「水污染源管理資訊系統」及定期檢測申報網路申報系統,有效改善 貴署與地方環保單位資料時差及資料不一致之情況、製作問答集、工業區水污染大事紀及網頁,提供資料之查詢及查詢管道;分析 貴署之水污染源管制資料管理系統,應用於資訊公開內容之查詢及相關水污染管制報表之提供,並定期維護及異動比對資料庫,確保資料庫之品質。
EngTitle Industrial Park Sewage System Management Project
EngAbstract It is a part of the scope in this project to review the Industrial Park Sewage System management and the Water Pollution Control Act related regulations, including the Water Pollution Control Act Implementation Guideline, the Industrial Wastewater Pollution Control Management Regulation, the related permit regulation, the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) management regulation, and the revision of related forms in response to the related permit amendments. The project has also compiled the application/approval guildlines of related permit and completed building a routine inspection reporting system to save time and manpower needed for the approval process. In order to follow the electronic trends, it is also required in this project to build the Internet website for water pollution management information system and DMR system to effectively improve the communication between EPA and The Responsible Agencies at various government levels in terms of data timing and consistency. The project has also completed the Q&A,the Industrial Park water pollution event memorandum and the website channel for Sewage System consultation . The water pollution management information system data bank will be available to public information request and statistic report. The information system has been routinely maintained and updated to assure its data bank’s quality.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社環境技術發展中心