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Title 全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫(乙)
Abstract 本計畫主要調查彰化縣(部分)、雲林縣、嘉義縣(市)、台南縣(市)、高雄縣(市)、屏東縣、花蓮縣、台東縣及澎湖縣等十二個縣市共400座加油站之基本資料及土壤及地下水污染潛勢。本計畫共完成400座加油站、5018支測漏管油氣之LEL(Lower Explosion Level,低爆炸下限)、PID(Photoionization Detector,光離子檢測儀)、FID(Flame Ionization Detector,火焰離子檢測儀)及功能檢測(包括管蓋開啟、積水、透氣性等),其中功能檢測不合格之測漏管數共616支,佔總檢測數之12.3%。依據測漏管油氣及功能檢測結果研判可能之污染潛勢,並予分級後共篩選164座需進一步調查之加油站進行測漏管油氣及土壤氣體採樣分析工作。於進行測漏管油氣及土壤氣體採樣分析工作之164站中,本計畫共檢測402個測漏管油氣樣品,404個土壤氣體樣品。並依據各樣品苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯及總石油碳氫化合物之分析結果,篩選出58座加油站進行土壤及地下水檢測工作。於所調查之58座加油站土壤及地下水樣品中,計有台南市一心加油站等35站之檢測結果疑似有污染之虞。為進一步確認其污染狀況,環保署指示本計畫及丙、丁子計畫共同辦理35座加油站之污染查證工作。依據查證結果顯示,計有19站之土壤或地下水污染物濃度超過管制標準,建議後續應依「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定進行相關管制措施。本計畫另完成「地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備審查及監測紀錄表填寫說明」內容之檢討修正;並研擬加油站滲漏調查、管制方案及緊急應變程序供環保主管機關參考。
EngTitle Potential Contamination Sources Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station and Large Tank Sites, Sub-plan B
EngAbstract Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd. completed the “Potential Contamination Sources Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station and Large Tank Sites, Sub-plan B”. In this plan, the background and pollution potential of underground environment in total 400 gas stations in southern Taiwan had been investigated.In Phase I Investigation, we inspected 400 gas stations and 5,018 soil vapor monitoring wells by using LEL(Lower Explosion Level) detector, PID(Photoionization Detector) and FID(Flame Ionization Detector) and checked the capabilities of those wells (including the cap could be opened or not, water accumulation and ventilation test, etc.). There were 616 soil vapor-monitoring wells failed. According to investigation results, 164 gas stations were screened to enter the next step (Phase II). In Phase II Investigation, we inspected 164 gas stations, sampled and analyzed 402 soil vapor samples from monitoring wells and 404 samples from direct push process. Base on the analyzing values of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), 58 gas stations were sieved out to do soil and groundwater sampling investigation. (Phase III) According to the analyzing results of soil and groundwater samples, 35 gas stations have higher pollution potential among 58 gas stations. In order to confirm the pollution situation, Taiwan EPA assigned 35 gas stations to Sub-plan B、Sub-plan C and Sub-plan D to conduct the identification task. According to the identification results,19 gas stations were exceeding the “Soil Pollution Control Standards ” or the “Groundwater Pollution Control Standards”. Taiwan EPA have to do the follow-up control according to the “Soil and Groundwater pollution Remediation Rules”。 The “Criteria Examining of Groundwater Pollution Preventing Facilities and Monitoring Equipment of the UST System and Records Writing” has been reviewed and corrected in this plan. The initial steps of gas station leakage investigation, control plans and emergency process were also completed.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司