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Title 中小型廢棄物焚化爐、煉鋼業電弧爐及非鐵金屬冶煉業戴奧辛排放減量改善計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行成果摘要說明如下:(一)建置中小型焚化爐基本資料庫:330座本計畫完成建置中小型焚化爐基本資料庫計330座,超出計劃目標值(300座),達成率為110%,其中包括中型焚化爐13座,小型廢焚化爐317座。(二)戴奧辛污染減量改善工作:70座(廠)本計畫完成焚化爐43座、電弧爐22廠及非鐵金屬冶煉業5廠,共70座(廠),超出計畫目標(67座(廠)),達成率104.5%。1.本計畫完成執行10座中型、30座小型及3廠大型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛現勘評估工作,並提供業者「戴奧辛污染改善建議書」,彙整「中型/小型焚化爐主要缺失及改善建議表」,確實掌握污染現況,提供環保署參考。並持續追蹤各廠戴奧辛污染改善狀況,彙整「焚化爐戴奧辛改善追蹤表」,定期回報環保署,以確實掌握焚化爐戴奧辛污染改善進度。同時,協助4座中型(永豐餘成功廠、南亞資源回收廠、中鋼公司及榮成紙業)、6座小型(中央印製廠檢銷所、高雄長庚、奇美公司、中石化大社廠、高雄醫療及永光化學)廢棄物焚化爐完成戴奧辛污染改善,並符合法規。根據檢測數據及排放係數推估中型焚化爐戴奧辛年削減量約50.175 g-TEQ/年,小型焚化爐戴奧辛年削減量約18.3353 g-TEQ/年。2.本計畫完成執行煉鋼業電弧爐戴奧辛污染改善現勘評估工作22廠,並提供業者「戴奧辛污染改善建議書」,彙整「煉鋼業電弧爐主要缺失及改善建議表」,確實掌握污染現況,減量成效為30.54 g-TEQ/年。同時,完成電弧爐戴奧辛本土化控制技術評估分析,以提供業者做為戴奧辛污染改善參考。3.本計畫完成執行非鐵金屬冶煉業戴奧辛污染改善現勘評估工作5廠,其中包括鋁二次冶煉2廠及銅二次冶煉3廠,並提供業者「戴奧辛污染改善建議書」,彙整「非鐵金屬冶煉業主要缺失及改善建議表」,確實掌握污染現況。並依據風險評估結果,完成研擬「銅鋁二次熔煉爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準」草案。同時,完成非鐵金屬冶煉業戴奧辛本土化控制技術評估分析,以提供業者做為戴奧辛污染改善參考。(三)技術手冊:四冊完成「中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛污染改善準則手冊」、「中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛污染現場查核標準作業手冊」、「電弧爐戴奧辛污染改善準則手冊」及「電弧爐戴奧辛污染現場查核標準作業手冊」四大手冊,提供業者及環保機關人員參考。(四)相關研討會與訓練講習會為了提昇國內戴奧辛污染控制能力,本計畫完成辦理「焚化爐戴奧辛污染減量改善成果示範觀摩會」二場次(158人次)、「戴奧辛污染防制技術研討會」一場次(224人次)及「戴奧辛污染查核訓練講習會」四場次(56人次/場)。
EngTitle Project on Reduction of Dioxin Emission for Small and Medium Types of Incinerators in Solid Waste, Arc Furnace in Steelmaking Industry, Non-Iron Smelting Industry
EngAbstract (A) Buildup of the databank for small and medium types of incinerators: 330 stands(B) Project item for reduction of dioxin emission: 70 stands or factories.In this project item, we have consulted 43 stands of incinerators, 22 factories of arc furnace, and 5 factories in non-iron smelting industry in which achievement in totality of consultant is to exceed the project goal of 67 stands or factories and the reaching ratio is 104.5%.We have also assisted 4 medium and 6 small in the reduction of dioxin emission of incinerators for solid waste. The amount of dioxin reduction for medium incinerators was 50.175g-TEQ/yr. The amount of dioxin reduction for small incinerators was 18.3353g-TEQ/yr. The amount of dioxin reduction for arc furnace was 30.54 g-TEQ/yr. At the same time, we have also finished the assessment report of domestic dioxin control technology of arc furnace and non-iron smelting industry. On the basis of the risk assessment, we proposed the draft of “control and emission standard of dioxin for the arc furnace in secondary copper and aluminum smelting industries”. (C) Finish writing technical guideline: 4 volumesWe have finished “Technical guideline for reduction of dioxin emission in small and medium types of solid waste incinerators”, “Criteria for on-site auditing the pollution by dioxin emitting in small and medium types of solid waste incinerators”, “Technical guideline for reduction of dioxin emission in arc furnace”, and “Criteria for on-site auditing the pollution by dioxin emitting in arc furnace”. It’s supposed that the 4 said technical guidelines could be provided as references for dioxin emission-relative worker and officer of environmental agent. (D) Hold conferences and training courseswe hold 2 exhibitions for reduction of dioxin emission in incinerator, a conference for dioxin control technology, and 4 training courses for surveying of dioxin pollutant.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院