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Title 九十一、九十二年度固定污染源空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、查核、帳目核對暨分析計畫
Abstract 本計畫於環保署指導下順利推動空污費徵收作業,並於91年5月分別成立北、南諮詢服務窗口提供多元化便民服務,派駐專業人力執行空氣污染防制費申報資料建檔、初審、查核、帳目核對分析作業,充分達成精省行政資源、簡化徵收作業,彰顯政府施政效能之目標。
EngTitle The Data Establishment,Primary Review, Account Audit, Account Verification and Analytic Plan of 2002/2003 Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Fee Collection
EngAbstract The project teams have set up consulting service office of air pollution control fees in Taipei and Kaohsiung respectively in May of 2002. Constructed the communication and internet devices required for the operation system, stationed the air pollution control fees evaluation experienced engineers which are in charge of the evaluation, consulting, investigation, accounts checking and file establishment of air pollution control fees application among public and private institutes.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司