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Title 全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫(丁)
Abstract 行政院環保署於民國89年2月公告『土壤及地下水污染整治法』,對保護土壤及地下水環境向前邁一大步;並自民國84年起,針對分布國內各處之加油站及事業單位大型儲槽進行滲漏調查,且已獲得初步成果。為能持續對加油站及大型儲槽可能造成的污染進行管制及防範,環保署特於民國91年繼續辦理『全國十年以上加油站及大型儲槽潛在污染源調查計畫』(以下簡稱本案),預期藉由持續實地調查及採樣分析,使加油站及大型儲槽之污染防制更臻完善。由世環科技工程股份有限公司結合森品環境科技股份有限公司及國立高雄海洋技術學院海洋環境工程系所組成之專案團隊,獲選承辦本案丁計畫,負責於本案執行期間,調查分佈於台灣中南部地區91處場址共1,097座大型儲槽之污染潛勢。經由儲槽區第一階段土壤氣體採樣檢測篩選,與第二階段調查場址土壤與地下水採樣分析數據彙整與評估,丁計畫所調查之91處場址中,有11處大型儲槽工廠場址之地下水樣品檢測值疑似超過環保署「地下水污染管制標準」所列限值。環保署彙整各個子計畫所完成場址調查評估結果,共篩選出51處場址依據行政區域位置劃分為三組,?計畫團隊負責辦理分布於嘉義縣、台南縣、高雄縣市、及屏東縣之17處場址,總共有8家加油站與9處大型儲槽工廠場址之查核驗證工作。污染評估查證結果發現台塑新港廠、中石化大社廠、台灣氯乙烯林園廠、紘洋化學高雄廠,與統一精工自立加油站、展利加油站、及山隆東港加油站等七處場址屬於確認污染場址,建議應即辦理污染控制改善作業,以免污染情形持續擴大。
EngTitle Potential Contamination Source Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station and Large Tank Site, Sub-plan D
EngAbstract Uni-Environmental Corp. jointed with J&L Environmental Technology Ltd. and National Kaohsiung Institute of Marine Technology (“The team”) had completed the “Potential Contamination Sources Investigation Plan for 10-years-old Gas Station and Large Tank Sites, Sub-plan D”, which was contracted by Taiwan EPA.The work scopes of the Sub-plan D were conducted in three consecutive phases. In Phase I site investigation, soil gas samples were collected from tanks areas and sent to lab for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Based on soil gas testing results, 29 sites were selected for Phase II soil and groundwater investigation. During Phase II work, the team had collected 400 soil samples and 400 groundwater samples, respectively, from concerned areas in the 29 selected sites. Soil and groundwater samples were then analyzed for parameters regulated by Taiwan EPA. Comparison results of testing data revealed that the groundwater beneath eleven tank sites could have been contaminated. The team was then assigned by Taiwan EPA to conduct the Phase III identification task for those potential contaminated sites, which includes 8 gas stations and 9 large tank sites. According to test results, concentrations of soil and/or groundwater samples from seven sites were exceeding the “Controlling Standards” regulated by Taiwan EPA. Based on the contamination evaluation results, the team suggested Taiwan EPA requesting the seven confirmed contaminated sites to conduct further detail investigation and remediation tasks to control contamination situation immediately. For those sites with groundwater testing results have not yet exceeded “Controlling Standards”, further monitoring program was also recommended.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 世環科技工程股份有限公司