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Title PH3、AsH3、CF4、SiH4、SF6等13項污染物檢測方法之研究
Abstract 吸取式FTIR檢測方法,為一現場操作直接取樣分析、不需任何前處理的檢測方法,可適用於半導體製造業排放管道及空氣中污染物之檢測。本研究旨在建立排放管道及空氣中PH3、AsH3、CF4、SiH4、C2F6、CHF3、NF3、WF6、SF6、HCF2CF2CH2OH、(CH3)2SO、(C2H5O)4Si、SiCl2H2等13項污染物檢測方法。因SiCl2H2在大氣中極易水解,本研究建立其餘12種污染物之FTIR氣體標準定量圖譜及分析方法,並依據檢測標準方法驗證準則,完成吸取式FTIR檢測方法之檢量線、方法偵測極限、濃度適用範圍、精密度、準確度之測試與驗證。另以FTIR定性與定量分析法進行污染物混合氣體圖譜分析,及選定科學園區內二座排放管道及周界完成檢測方法驗證。最後依據測試與驗證結果完成檢測方法草案。本研究建立之12項污染物吸取式FTIR氣體分析法之方法偵測極限(MDL),皆低於此12項污染物之恕限值(TLV),應可合乎民國八十八年一月六日頒佈「半導體製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準」之檢測需求。惟對工廠周界污染物檢測靈敏度需求,除PH3與AsH3外,其餘10種化合物之偵測極限均可滿足需求。
EngTitle Study of the Test Methods for 13 Polluants Including PH3, AsH3, CF4, SiH4, and SF6
EngAbstract Extractive Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometry is a directive sampling and analytical method in the field, without any sample pretreatment, suitable for the analysis of pollutants in atmosphere air and emission exhaust of the semiconductor manufacturing industry.This study was aimed to establish the procedural and Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) bases for gaseous concentration measurements of 13 pollutants, i.e., PH3, AsH3, CF4, SiH4, C2F6, CHF3, NF3, WF6, SF6, HCF2CF2CH2OH, (CH3)2SO, (C2H5O)4Si, and SiCl2H2, in emission exhaust and atmosphere air. Since SiCl2H2 is rapidly hydrolysed in the atmosphere air, the FTIR Gaseous Standard Quantitative Spectra and analytical methods of other 12 pollutants were developed in this study. This test methods have been tested and validated according to the “Principle of the Validation of Test Method”, including the validations of calibration curve, method detection limit, concentration range, precision, and accuracy. We have employed an appropriate mathematical analysis to determine the preliminary analyte concentrations of mixed spectra. For field validation test, we have made measurements on the gases of two emission exhausts and the perimeter of the semiconductor manufacturing facilities in the Scientific Park. A protocol of this test method was accordingly proposed.Since the method detection limits of these 12 pollutants are lower than the TLVs of these 12 pollutants, this extractive FTIR protocol can fulfil the detection requirement of the “Standard for Air Pollution Control and Emissions of Semiconductor Industry” issued January 6, 1999. For the detection requirement of pollutants on the perimeter of the manufacturing facilities, except for PH3 and AsH3, the method detection limits of other 10 pollutants are within the limits required.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 環檢所