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Title 土壤及地下水污染整治費申報及審理等相關作業計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作內容係執行九十一年五月二十日起民國九十二年八月三十一日相關整治費申報、審理作業,執行現場稽核,繳費審核及統計作業,進行法規制度檢討及研修,及相關行政配合措施等。綜合本計畫之成果,整治費徵收迄今,在業界大力支持下徵收作業上尚稱十分順利,然業界對土污基金籌措制度層面上仍存在許多異議。依據土污法中第二十三條之土污整治基金共有八大來源,來源多樣性亦顯現土壤及地下水之污染之複雜性,然目前基金最主要來源仍仰賴整治費之徵收,其他項目來源相對偏低,絕大部分又集中於石化業界。為實踐賦稅公平之原則,建議開徵環境稅之規劃或增加其他基金來源提撥比例,應為未來土污基金積極規劃之方向。另整治費徵收初期,為使收費制度公平、避免重複課徵,以建立「公平」、「合理」徵收制度為目標,目前徵收方式已逐漸為業界所接受,並自九十二年第一季完成網路申報系統規劃供業者開始使用,使徵收作業朝向更「簡政」、「便民」之方向繼續努力。
EngTitle The Project for Declaration and Examination of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fee
EngAbstract The individuals or companies who are responsible for putting the waste at the site are required to pay for the cost of the cleanup. If the people who caused the contamination cannot be found, then EPA pays for the cleanup. It is paid for by the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fee, chemical and oil companies have to pay, that is set aside to help clean up the environment. To simplify the process of paying, EPA set up The Applying Program#s Web Site which provides information about characterization and applying tools for the industries or individuals. Up to date, over 1/3 people accomplished the process of applying through the web site successfully. The section of the Web site provides a friendly applying framework, guiding users step by step and saving them a lot of time and labor, and what is more, it provides answers to frequently asked questions.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司