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Title 固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施查核及管理系統建置計畫
Abstract 本計畫最重大之目標為配合空污法第二十二條及二十三條之內容研擬「固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管理辦法(簡稱CEMS管理辦法)」,經蒐集英美德與ISO國家CEMS相關法令、聽取七場座談會、公聽會之意見後,檢討修正「CEMS管理辦法」草案內容,並已於九十二年十二月三日發布施行。本次「CEMS管理辦法」中較重大之修訂內容包括(1)增加二個監測項目(HCl和VOC)及其性能規範、(2)增加CEMS監測時數有效百分率之規定、(3)放寬低濃度排放源的相對準確度(RATA)的性能規格、(4)增加系統偏移的管制,以及(5)增加罰則之訂定。除了研擬「CEMS管理辦法」之外,國內目前各縣市環保局在執行系統與功能查核作業上並無標準化的作業程序與參考準則,因此為協助縣市環保局人員在審查公私場所提報CEMS相關文件和報告、進行系統與功能查核時有所依據,共制訂出CEMS設置審查準則/手冊、CEMS系統與功能準則/手冊和CEMS監測數據查核準則/手冊等五份文件供五份文件供各地方主管機關參考。為實際瞭解目前第一、二批應設置CEMS固定污染源實際設置操作與維護CEMS之狀況,本年度計畫共計執行13場次、54根次的標準氣體查核(簡稱CGA)與系統查核,並由執行過程與結果發現部分問題(如監測時數有效百分率及監測數據系統性偏低),已提供研擬「CEMS管理辦法」草案參考,並要求各受查核之固定污染源改善CEMS管理之缺失。部分項目皆已在本年度改善,其他需採購或修改CEMS擷取紀錄與處理軟體之部分亦已訂定計畫與時程加以改善,此部分實際改善情形則需後續計畫持續追蹤。同時,本計畫利用各公私場所數量龐大的CEMS監測數據與相關資料,進行共五類、10根次排放管道的CEMS監測數據異常分析,以發現公私場所CEMS監測數據的合理性與代表性是否正常。此外,也利用前述CEMS監測數據建立共六類、27根次排放管道的排放係數,並與現行法令中採用之排放係數以及其他研究報告得到的排放係數加以比較。最後,本計畫亦於今年度開發新一代之CEMS監測數據傳輸模組,解決過去所發現之作業系統、連線不穩定等諸多問題,並於台北縣及嘉義縣進行連線建置示範作業,並獲得良好成果。
EngTitle The Development of Audit and Management System for Continuous Emissions Monitoring System
EngAbstract The main target of this plant is rulemaking of continuous emission monitoring system regulation (CEMS regulation) for Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA). The most important modification of CEMS regulation include:(1)Adding two air pollutants (HCl and VOC) should be monitored and relevant performance specification.(2)Requiring the CEMS availability should be equal to or greater than 75% and 85% in two phases, respectively.(3)Modifying the specification of RATA for low concentration emission sources.(4)Applying the system bias to prevent systematic error in CEMS.(5)Adding the punishment and penalty.To improve the feasibility of CEMS regulation, we review the CEMS regulations adopted by USEPA, ISO, UK Mcerts and Germany UBA. And seven workshops and one public hearings were held.Beside the CEMS regulation, we also prepare the CEMS documents verifying criteria and standard operation procedures (SOPs), field audit manuals and monitoring data checking manuals for the auditors of EPA and Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB).We carried out the Cylindrical Gases Audit (CGA) and filed audits for 54 stacks installed CEMS in this plan. The problems we found in the audits have been reply to the owners and operators of CEMS. A part of problems have been improved by the owners and operators of sources.The quality of CEMS data have been analyzed to determined their representativeness and reality for five categories and 10 cases. The emission coefficients (EC) based on CEMS data were also developed by six categories and twenty-seven cases by the meantime. The discrepancy of EC between this report and other published were analyzed.We also develop one new version of CEMS monitoring data submitting module to improve the performance and stability of software. The new CEMS monitoring submitting module have been setup and worked well in Taipei county EPB and Chiayi county EPB. This program and its manual will be published in the near future.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會