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Title 中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪流域水環境生態調查與水質生物指標建置
Abstract 本計畫主要以彙整過去在中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪流域所作的各項生態與水質環境等基本調查資料,並配合本研究團隊之現地野外調查工作,建立本區域的基本河川生態資料庫,藉由地理資訊系統的整合,提供環境保護指標以及經營管理策略的建議。已完成之工作包括:1. 建立中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪流域水環境生物資源及其分布資料,作為整治措施規劃參考,並了解水體污染現況對水環境生物生存分布之影響。2. 建立中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪水質監測生物指標,辦理生物指標監測,作為成效評估依據,並提供可轉移給一般學生、民眾自行實施之方法。3. 配合中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪污染整治措施訂定可行之流域生態目標願景,並就流域水環境生物多樣性復育維護提供建議。4. 研擬中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪水環境生物指標監測教材及應用資料,選訓輔導教師學生使具備生物指標監測執行能力。5. 彙編中港溪、客雅溪、南崁溪流域水環境生態資源資料。6. 協助鑑定水生物(魚群)死亡之突發環境事件原因,以利追查可能之污染源。
EngTitle Water environmental investigation and Bio-indicator construction Project of Jhong-gang stream, Ke-ya stream and Nan-kan stream.
EngAbstract For basic references of ecology and water qualities in the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream have been collected in this project. In the past one year, this team has conducted field investigation and has established an ecological river data bank for this area. By means of GIS, the environmental protection index and the references for management have been provided.The items, which have been completed in this project, are as follows.1. The aqua organism resources and its distribution of the Jhong-gang stream, the Keya stream and the Nan-kan stream have been established as references for further organization. It has also been understood that the water pollution status has influenced the distribution of the living aqua organism.2. The organism index for monitoring water qualities of the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream has been established, that may be a basis to evaluate the water qualities. These methods may be provided to students and the general public.3. To cooperate with the water pollution improvement of the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream, the feasible goals of river basin ecology have been made and the suggestions for restoration of bio-diversity in the river basins have been given.4. The teaching and applied materials of monitoring index organism of the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream have been established and some teachers and students have been trained to have abilities to use the index of environmental aquatic organism.5. The database of environmental aquatic organism of the Jhong-gang stream, the Ke-ya stream and the Nan-kan stream has been made.6. To assist judgment of possible reasons of sudden death of aqua creatures. It might be helpful to find out possible resources of water pollution.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國魚類學會