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Title 環境水質採樣監測檢驗室品保查核計畫
Abstract 為配合環保署監資處規劃推動之「北、中、南三區環境水質監測計畫」(三年期計畫),環境分析學會受委託執行本「環境水質採樣監測檢驗室品保查核計畫」,針對實際參與「北、中、南三區環境水質監測計畫」有關之北、中、南三區的實驗室進行品保系統及檢測能力(績效)的查核,以確保其所提供之監測數據與資料的正確性與公信力,俾可作為環保署政策制定的參考依據。 本品保查核計畫分三年執行。第二年完成的工作包括以下二個主項目:其一為監測數據品質的查核與評估,內容包括有實驗室的品保查核,採樣現場查核,盲樣測試及數據品保目標合理性及可行性的評估等;其二則為現行檢測方法的評估與探討,針對本計畫所使用的部分檢測方法,諸如海水中溶解態鉻及汞等檢測方法的效能與適用性進行評估。除此之外,計畫中並研討監測井之維護管理規範,舉辦採樣現場查核與實務訓練,及每季定期召開查核作業檢討座談會等。 本年度計畫從92年1月1日起開始執行,至92年12月31日止合計一年,各項計畫目標均已如期達成。本報告中除了陳述各項工作內容的執行結果外,另並對實施過程中發現的問題進行檢討,並提出改進的建議。
EngTitle Quality assurance project plan for natural water testing laboratories
EngAbstract The purpose of the umbrella water quality monitoring project, which is conducted by Bureau of Environmental Monitoring and Data Processing of EPA, is to collect surface water quality data needed for water quality assessments. In order to ensure the data quality collected by those environmental testing laboratories are reconciled for original purpose, this “Data quality assurance project plan” is conducted to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the quality system are appropriate and have been developed, documented, and effectively implemented in accordance and in conjunction with specified requirements requested by the umbrella project..The purpose of this QAPP is mainly to clearly delineate EPA QA policy, management structure, and procedures which will be used to implement the QA requirements necessary to document the reliability and validity of environmental data. Besides, this QAPP has evaluated the performance and applicability of several testing methods, such as dissolved chromium and mercury in seawater. In order to provide opportunity for give-and-take, several seminars and symposiums about sampling techniques, quality system and analytical techniques were hold and opened to all of the participants of umbrella project. From the beginning to December, 31 of this year, the present project has fulfilled all of the assigned works in 12 months. In this report, the inadvisable and inevitable cause of shortcomings about QA implementation are discussed and some suggestions are also made.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 孫毓璋